čtvrtek 16. dubna 2020

Interview - DECAYING PURITY - The lyrics are all about total destruction, death, pain, worship, suffering and misery.

Interview with brutal death metal band from Turkey - DECAYING PURITY.

Answered guitarist Mustafa, thank you!

Translated Markéta, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Recenze/review - DECAYING PURITY - Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones (2020):

Ave DECAYING PURITY! I have never found any interview with you in Czech language. I will ask you first to introduce the band to the readers who do not know you yet. You can start from the beginning and take us throw the whole history of DECAYING PURITY. 

For those who have not been familiar with the band so far, we are from Kadıkoy, Istanbul and appeared in 2005. We are Decaying Purity, who has released 1 demo, 4 full lengths and continues to enjoy brutal death metal. I think you know where to get more detailed information.

This year, you have just released the new album „Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones“. Again, it's a dark, harsh and honest death metal. Did you access to the recording process differently than last time or did you choose verified practices? 

We did not follow a different path. After the 3rd album, ideas started to accumulate slowly and the album took the final form like the one in 2019 summer. After we have done enough practice to the completed songs as before, we started recording due to October. Everything was actually like the previous album processes. This time, the writing process took a little longer, because of the intensity of everyone's private life, other projects, etc. 

The new album seems to me more complicated, perhaps initially less accessible, at the same time incredibly dark and evil. Was it intentional? How did the album originate and how did you compose the music? 

It is possible to say that I am not someone who wants to formulate too much of the work we are doing. We make brutal death metal and the materials we want to write are generally suitable for these patterns. We do not follow a path consciously to be like this or so. Death Metal, which we have, is like this and the result in this album as you have listened.

I have a „Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones“ in my MP3 player and I have to say that this album literally engulfed me. These are not just great ideas but also sound is simply devastating. I'm sitting in the tram, and suddenly I find myself shaking my legs. I have a feeling to start moshing. If I weren’t so old, I would probably start to. Where did you record and who is signed under mastering? 

During the recording, mixing and mastering process, we worked with our friend Ünsal Özata from Sound Damage Productions, which we have been working since our second album. We are pleased with the result. Everyone understands each other's language and for now this combination satisfies us.

Who is the author of lyrics on „Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones“? What are they talking about? Where do you get inspiration for themes? 

Our vocalist Serkan is responsible for the lyrics in the group. The lyrics are all about total destruction, death, pain, worship, suffering and misery. Actually the inspiration is, when you look at the previous album (Malignant Resurrection of the Fallen Souls), you will realize that it’s the sequel of the previous one. On MRotFS, hell and heaven were fighting for the souls in Purgatory, now hell attacks to earth with that souls and destroyed the heavens.

Who is signed under the cover of „Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones“? I like his work very much. How did you choose the motif for cover? 

For Artwork, we worked with Paolo Girardi as in the previous album. The album visual concept belongs to Serkan. We told Paolo about the visual in our minds and he did a very sick job again. 

When we look back at the beginning ... What was the first impulse to found the band? And why the brutal death metal? It's not the typical style which can would give you great "glory". 

Because we greatly enjoy listening, producing and playing this style, that's all. 

You come from Turkey and you play extreme death metal. Our readers would certainly wonder how the death metal scene works in Turkey. To tell you the truth, so lately I hear only the great bands from there. Does this mean that the scene there is so strong at the moment? What about concerts, how many people coming to them? 

There are good Death Metal bands that give importance to their work and make their name known in the international market. Concerts are also quite wild. People participate as much as they can. Our vocalist Serkan and his wife Gizem have an agency called “Mezar Organization & Bookings“. You can search the channels of this name from Youtube and have a look at the videos of some death metal concerts they have done so far and have an idea about the fire of the audience.

Mezar Organization & Bookings:

I have to ask. You live in Turkey, which is considered a strongly Islam country. You play death metal. Do you have any problems with it? Do you get space in TV or in newspapers? How is life in your country affected by Islam? 

This is not a typical Middle Eastern Arab country, as you think. Here is Turkey, not an Arabic country. Yes, we cannot say that we are very pleased with the management, there is a form of management that we do not approve of, we do not like, but there is no environment in this country that will not allow us to play Death Metal and require us to do this job with a hidden cover. Sometimes I can say that the economy affecting us negatively. We don't have to find a place in television and newspapers, it doesn’t matter for us. Our target audience reaches us through the ways they can. One of the most ridiculous and silly problems I can mention is, who are claiming to be related to Metal in Turkey, like some zines, webzines, the concert promoters and etc. of doing business in this country, consistently producing and saw quite a lot of support in the international market fan base even learn formations think definitely knowingly and willingly ignoring us. This is the funny and painful thing, unfortunately. No one who has already put on the state and government. If things start to come to a very painful boil, then we have to start thinking about it.

From your music is possible to feel that you are influenced by American death metal school and as well by the old European bands. How do you feel about it as a fan? Do you prefer the original death metal of the 1990s or do you get inspiration as well from the new albums? If yes so I am wondering which bands had the greatest impact on DECAYING PURITY. 

Until this time, we have consumed a lot of Death Metal producstions all over the world and there are many classic productions that have an effect on us, which I do not need to mention right now. But it's not just the classic 90s Death Metal or more modern eras that affected us. As I said before, I do not find it right to formulate and define this too much. I prefer listeners to interpret this. 

What about you and concerts in general? Are you a band that goes for concerts anytime you can or you are picky about where you will play? Do you have a dream, maybe a group you would like to go with for a tour or festival, a city where you would like to perform? 

For the past few years, we've been taking concerts a little slowly. This is not because we are selective, but as I have mentioned, all the members have a different density. I can say that we waited for the last album to be completed and released. So, as long as it comes with reasonable offers, we are not too selective for concerts. With the new album, we want to evaluate the offers that make sense to us and take part in concerts as much as we can. It can be a tour with any band which we can have a good time and enjoy the music they make. Not necessarily with a big band as long as we have fun and have good time. This is same for cities also.

I'm going to listen again your new album „Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones“. I have to say that for me personally, this is basically a perfect death metal work. Totally inferno. I wish big success to your record and to get this album to as many people as is possible. This album deserves it. I wish you all the best in your personal life. Whatever you do and the last words are yours. If you want to tell something to fans, labels, promoters, you have space here..... Thank you for the interview and I am looking forward to seeing you live! 

If the music we produce is making sense for you and you like it, support it. Apply this to every other production you consume. Thanks for the interview.

Recenze/review - DECAYING PURITY - Mass Extinction of the Providential Ones (2020):

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