pátek 17. dubna 2020

A few questions - interview with doom death metal band from Poland - FUNERAL CULT.

A few questions - interview with doom death metal band from Poland - FUNERAL CULT.

Recenze/review - FUNERAL CULT - Possession Done (2020):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.? 

Hi, everyone. Jacek from Funeral Cult here. 

The band was formed in 1993. At that time band members wanted to play severe and slow music which brings aura of sorrow, melancholy and dark. Lyrics were focused on slavic people, their gods and funeral ceremonies and rites. After few months of rehearsals the band recorded demo tape „In Tristitia Et In Lacrimis” at Radio Lodz – 4 death/doom metal tracks. In 1995, at Radio Lodz Studio again, they recorded debut album „Korowody Cieni”. The album was officially issued by Lusitanian Music from Portugal in 1996. A few months later we signed a contract with polish label Millenium Records and all went wrong since then. Both parties ended in court. The trial lasted two years and the band was not able to do anything according to the contract conditions. This was the beginning of the end of Funeral Cult. Second album „Mystery of Possession“ was recorded but never released. 

In 2016 Karol Arkuszewski (drums) decided to reactivate the band. After 19 years he meets Piotr Wilk (guitar) again. They start to reshape Funeral Cult and compose new tracks with fresh approach but with the 90’s soul as well. Completing the line-up takes one year and Sylwester Wilk (guitar) and Grzegorz Krom (bass) join the band again. After Przemysław Pawlak (vocals) refusal they had to find new vocalist. This place was taken by Jacek Rybak. In April 2019 the band recorded three tracks at Heavy Gear Studio and tried to go to the open sea. They contacted Lusitanian Music again. After portugeese label’s green light the idea of „Possession Done” EP was born...

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

We hired very good sound engineer Mariusz Konieczny (Heavy Gear Studio). He also is a frontman of Hellspawn band. We even played one live show with Hellspawn, so we knew each other as musicians. But we found out that Mariusz produced a few albums of the bands from our home city Lodz. We asked some questions, heard a few opinions and decided to put him in charge of the recordings. After that Heavy Gear Studio came to us with all the equipment and we recorded three tracks in our rehearsal room during the weekend. We just wanted to have some music recorded for promotion, nothing big. But during the recording we found out that we can achive more than we expected. Decision was simple and Mariusz took care of mixing and mastering as well. After all we had not only three tracks but the shape of „Possession Done“ was born at that time. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

Our label released 300 copies on CD as digipack. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

I am the author of the lyrics on „Possession Done“. After all I had a concept for these three tracks. I tell one story in three parts. The story tells about demonic possession, three stages of being haunted. All is inspired by „Necroscope“ book series by Brian Lumley and „The Excorist“ the book by William Peter Blatty and the movie by William Friedkin. „Necroscope“ tells us about very confident man who claims he is able to deal with the dead. Can hear them, talk to them and help them. But in the end he can’t recognize the upcoming threat, the deceive nature of angry demons. „Frost“ is very cold song. And it meant to be like that. Our Necroscope was cheated allready and he realized that during the song. All the laments and screams for help were only means for the purpose. „I am you are me, The Fury“ closes the trilogy. We have total connection of two beings, assimiliation. The Necroscope even welcomes lovely darkness at the end of the song. Is that true? Who is the furious one in the end?

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

The logo was created by our friend Wojtas. And it wasn’t changed during the years. All the layout including cover art is drawn by Anna Jarzynska. Very talented young painter, tatooist, etc. You can see her drawings and paintings on Phoenix Pictures Art&Tattoo fanpage on Facebook or website. It was, still is, a pleasure to work with Anna. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

Why to kick the open door? This was the first idea to contact the label who released our debut album „Korowody Cieni“. It was so good to know that Lusitanian Music (Lusitanian Productions then) is still on market after so many years. In short, I contacted them and they agreed to release the EP „Possession Done“ and go to this sentimental journey with us. We are so grateful they did it. We have a lot of support from them. They do very good job with promotion and distribution of the stuff. Reviews and interviews in music magazines, distribution across the Europe and promotion by PR agency Grand Sounds Promotion around the world. They put a lot of trust in us and we’ll see what will happen in the future. And yes, we are very satisfied with this cooperation on that stage of our way, even surprised. I can’t even tell how much we owe the Lustanian Music. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

Some say My Dying Bride, Celtic Frost, Anathema… I don’t know. It could be true. The inspiration is around us. It could be a movie, a book, an event or nature itself. We don’t have any favourite bands. We hear a lot of different music generes and styles, even non metal. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We didn’t after all. I had to close the past and open the new chapter. And this is what „Possession Done“ is for. But we work on our third full lenght. Who knows what is the future of everything in the time of pandemia. But we need to have in mind what Lusitanian Music have done for us. Let say, there is no decision, yet.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We’ve played some gigs in the past and a few after reactivation. Before the pandemia we launched a tour across Poland with our friends from Arcane Dust band. All of them were in clubs. We’d like to play some festivals or open air’s. Organizers feel free to send us an invitation! 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

To go as far as we can. This is the long term plan 😊 But what can I say? We’d like to record our full lenght in a short time. And I can’t promise it would be the same sound as it is on „Possession Done“. And I have an idea for this album. I mean the lyrics. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

Of course: e-mail:, facebook: @funeralcultband. And we are available in person for our fans during live shows. Hope we’ll see you soon! 

Thanx for the interview. 

Thank you very much, Jakub. It was a pleasure to answer your questions. It is a big support for us. Hey, everyone, get our EP „Possession Done“ and make your own opinion if you get possessed or not. Cheers from Poland! 

Recenze/review - FUNERAL CULT - Possession Done (2020):

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