čtvrtek 1. listopadu 2018

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - SKULMAGOT.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - SKULMAGOT.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.? 

Hails from Helsinki, Finland and thanks for inviting Skulmagot for this killer interview! The idea for Skulmagot came in the year 2013 i think with me (Ulti-Make/Vocals) and Spider (All instruments) to start a project for playing brutal US style 90’s era death metal. We both share an very intensive interest towards early 90’s US death metal, the style, sounds etc. This is something we both grew up with and it still dominates!! We agreed that we need to do some demotracks at least, and 2015 our first EP “Fascinated By Disgust” was recorded completely DIY-style in our private urine infested recording facility. It was released only on tape 2015, instantly sold-out. 

Like i said, yeah we play brutal US style OSDM. This has nothing to do with the much anticipated Finnish Death Metal sound itself although we are from Finland. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

Our recording and producing habits are really simple, primitive even. Spider has some tracks ready, and we compose the vocals in another session. I write all the lyrics, and do some pre-composition also for the tracks. Our way of recording and producing is really laidback, we dont care about any timetables. F.e. our debut album was released one year late.. Although this is (only) a two-man project, our calendars and timetables are a fucking mess. We had several different sessions last year, and it came out good! We are both in charge of everything, we do everything related to this band by ourselves. For the debut album cover artwork we had to turn to our Malesian maniac brother Irwan and took the sick art from Ironworx Gravefix. Other than that all DIY.. 

We have a few different rehearsal rooms where we can record and produce everything. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

First EP was 100 copies on cassette and so is the debut full-length also. We released only on C-Cassette and digitally. The first batch was released through the Hungarian tape-label Old Skull Productions and there will be also US edition through Headsplit Records on cassette. Also our first EP will be re-issued through Headsplit so things are really moving forward! These will be also 100 copies each. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Lyrics by me (Ulti-Make).. we make these song titles together ofcourse, but i make the final touch with the goriest detail. The themes are as brutal as the music, so no one gets out alive!! We have for example a track called Force Fed Testicles, so hold on to your testicles, or Skulmagot might serve them to you as salty snacks to go with your hangover beer!! Human Kebab for the dessert and Gastrointestinal Armageddon will commence! 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

Logo was created by Spider, but we did it in collaboration ofcourse. I threw in some ideas also.. Visuals are very important thing for any band i think, and our logo, coverart, photos etc. represents our art and expression perfectly. First EP’s coverart was done by Spider. For the debut album we purchased the art from our old friend from Malaysia.. Social media has made things alot of easier, but i miss the old simple times.. And we’re glad that f.e. the analog formats are strong, and people are turning away from the social media brainwash.. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

The first EP was self-released and for the debut we got introduced to Old Skull Productions operating in Hungary. They released the first batch of our debut in cassette. Tape trading are blooming again through small distros and labels and we have gained a really good exposure in other countries also other than Finland… 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

We are die hard 90,s era US death metal freaks.. for me influential and important bands still are early CC, Immolation, early Deicide, Brutality etc.. Our inspiration for this material seems to be endless, we are living strange times.. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We are planning to send the debut to some labels for the future cd release. Tapes has been sent and handed over, Headsplit Records from the United States actually contacted us for the re-issue of our first EP and for the debut. We’ve contacted some really UG labels, let’s keep things abit under the radar here...threre are many great underground labels out there. 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We’ve done alot of shows with our previous bands, Spider still has a few active bands he’s playing with. Skulmagot are a two man operation and we got some really good offers for shows after our first EP, but we didnt have enough time to gather a live setup. This is something we are working with in the future and hopefully Skulmagot will do some special shows also some day. We dont care where we play, i think the best venues are small intimate spaces where there are a house full of maniacs and and intensive show. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

We started writing demo tracks for our 3rd release. The stuff sounds really brutal and heavy as shit, so there will be more facemelting Skulmagot ooze cummin’ out! We are also planning a split-release with some Finnish bands in the future.. 

We create this stuff mainly for the love for the 90’s are death metal sound and our urge to play such music. i think we will operate with future releases, splits etc. in the cummin’ years. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

We have bandcamp, facebook and instagram. Contacting our email is the best way to cntc us.. Social media is a disease but a very good tool for promoting etc.. 

Thanx for the interview. 

Thanks for inviting us!! Remember to buy records, go to shows and support the underground! Stay ugly! And remember to drink shitloads of them beeers!!!