neděle 14. července 2024

Interview - SCEPTOCRYPT - Hybrid death metal!

SCEPTOCRYPT - Answered by Malcolm Callus, thank you!

Questions prepared Duzl, thank you!

Sceptocrypt was formed in 1992 in Malta with the members there, however let's cut to the chase! It is now 2024 and you are trying to bring the band back to life after 24 years, how is it going and why the attempt to come back didn't come sooner?

Although Scepto was founded in Malta, it's always been artistically limiting and too hot for my liking to live there. So come our split in 1999, I started extreme metal band Dysmenorrhea, momentarily joined Achiral (2nd guitar) & Weeping Silence (bass), and continued organising underground music events under the monicker of Bisoul Promotions, while waiting for Malta to join the EU, which happened in 2004, so I left to Germany intent to make a living out of teaching music (which is more possible in a bigger country).

But as my German was far from decent, and discovering there were less metal bands per capita in the cities I lived (namely Berlin & Hamburg), I popped to London on a 2-week holiday to test the waters. I was immediately sold, and 2 months later, I moved here.

Despite the idea to reform Sceptocrypt always at the back of my head, I initially met a metalhead into flamenco (Mick from Corpsing) and together we started a duo that evolved into an anomalous world music band EthnaMorte, which pushed me to better my guitar/composition skills. So when EthnaMorte came to a hiatus in 2015, I resumed writing for Sceptocrypt with new ideas learnt along the way. Jammed with some guys on and off but never managed to get a steady line-up so in 2016 we all went our separate ways. Until in 2022 I was introduced to a good drummer available to jam (as much as the big city with lots of metal bands that London is, finding a good drummer able to commit seems quite the feat here). We meanwhile tried some bassists, and chose our current one Dip Roy. Our search for vocalist was not as successful, so currently I am writing all lyrics and singing them. Along the way, Andrea Paro joined us on samples & noize.

It did not work out with the 2022 drummer! So how's it going? It could be much more fun if we had a drummer, but things are alright anyway, life has to go on...... anyone interested, email us at

Have you thought about starting a completely new band instead, wouldn't that be easier?

I see no reason why starting a new band is easier. To find dedicated musicians is the harder part. So once that is sorted, why start afresh when the name Sceptocrypt already had a small name for itself through acclaimed reviews worldwide in the 90s?

The music of Sceptocrypt is somewhat atypical - it has a lot of different elements, be it the instruments, the atmosphere, the backing chorales and the overall concept. The individual songs are different, some are death metal, others I would say are more like scenic ambient music! Tell us something about how the songs are created...

Like every other band worlwide I suppose – i.e. someones comes up with a motif (aka a riff), and then that idea is developed. Not necessarily so, but more often times than not, a tentative sequence of riffs is laid out by one bandmember, and the others contribute by suggesting changes to the riffs/sequence.

I however do not have a clear cut answer why songs differ sometimes. Come to think of it, it might be as we definitely listen to a wide array of music, and just like when one goes to dine out they are free to choose cuisines from all corners of the world, likewise we set no limits to the food for our ears, and the food we present to others!

What's for sure is that we do not consider our musical presentations as songs, but as soundscapes, where the listener is taken on a journey. And who knows, maybe along the trip, they sometimes stop for a salad, then hike a bit, then have a steak to stack up on protein before going uphill, then after a good ole cold pint & passing of wind, they wanna have a soup! I am kidding of course. We are artists, and we compose the way we feel! Hopefully others understand the avalanche of emotions conveyed.

But I lately tried an experiment & fed an AI analyser our latest two tracks. Whereas one came up as predominantly death/black metal with gothic, thrash and doom metal/sludge making up for the smaller percentages, in contrast, the other one popped up a mix of art rock, experimental electronic & folk rock. Do I have a problem, or should any of your readers, have a problem with that? I say that as long as it is done right, they should enjoy the experience.


Could you somehow define your work to the listeners?

Well, despite I never abandoned the idea of reviving Sceptocrypt, I always had it at the back of my head that the return had to differ from being a complete rehash of our 90s sound.

So whereas non-metal influences were quite obvious before (in the sense that when songs delved away from their main extreme metal core, it was obvious what style we were flirting with), nowadays, with 25 years more experience dealing with varied genres, whenever an influence is non-metal, it is disguised more maturely. In the sense that a musician might trace the influence, but a non-musician might not.

So for Sceptocrypt mk2, we set out a manifesto for our new Extreme Music Research sound, which is also published at our website as follows :

Proud of but not limited by the heritage that is extreme metal, Sceptocrypt have always been known to not be confined by one style and to welcome cross-genre influences! So for our re-launch, we have a vision that we are calling Extreme Music Research. Read our manifesto as follows!

Extreme – undettered by trying different forms of experimentation, from over-the-top technical riffs to the lack of same in form of time & harmonic changes that flow seamlessly, an extremity measured in the myriad of influences recalled to shape the final aural palette.

Music – in a time when visual media continually compliments the music industry, we aim to present you music that evokes you the more you close your eyes, aiding you to see colours with your ears, where colour has no limit set by your visual spectrum, and thus extreme!

Research – we shall be free to research past effective music templates as we merge them with/as merchants to/for future sounds.

We look forward to share with you some surprising musical twists as this new journey unfolds! And that you welcome our will to stay restless in our discoveries!
The tag “you need not fear shame to play this game” that you see at our website is there for a reason. So enjoy this game with us! Shamelessly!

Are the lyrics conceptual and intertwined with the songs? Were they newly created or did you pull them out of the drawer just like the songs?

Everything is a reflection of when inspiration hits.

The soundscapes dropped since our comeback (Oratorio Mortem 2 : The Unwanted Requiem) and The Wards Outside were both penned in 2023.

Other tracks for our upcoming full-length were composed over a timespan. Without spilling beans about song titles yet, listeners will be presented with a tune from 1999 with original lyrics & structure yet all music re-written in 2015, an instrumental from 2016, a completely new 2023 banger, and another that started off in 2016 but was finalised only in 2024.

This is a works in progress. We keep refreshing the tunes ever so often, and I am sure the spectrum of influences will present itself once we release the full-length fucker!


You're a guitar/bass teacher, so there's no doubt about your playing skills, but anyway, listening to your songs, I wonder if it's not difficult to find similar experienced musicians who could keep up with you and especially understand the philosophy of your songs?

It is extremely difficult believe me, but I persist out of my love for my music!

The world of a private teacher (not working in a school) translates into most evenings being held up, and hence less networking.

What makes it even harder is that once you find skilled players they got to be realistic that the underground functions on artistic merit over financial reward. Being an artist is about pushing boundaries, and I do not think that many greats of the underground - bands like Dodheimsgard, Gorguts, or similar ilk for instance - live from music full-time. There are rewards in life no money nor popularity can buy!

To feel part of this school of thought, one has to continually get a kick from merging music styles. No more no less – just the right mindset to produce music to make listeners go “wtf?” !

Is it your band, where you rigorously apply teaching tendencies to set the direction, or does democracy and creative freedom work in Sceptocrypt? Do you allow the members to change the music you have written, or do you insist on your own and always have the last word? There are a lot of musicians, especially composers, who can't imagine playing someone else's music and there is a dictatorship in their bands. How do you perceive it?

Sceptocrypt in Malta had 4 main song-writers, Abela & myself in the 1st line-up, and then myself, bassist Johann and vocalist/keyboardist Conrad in the 2nd line-up. With others contributing occasionally, but less. So we were always feeding off each others' ideas (sometimes fighting hehe, but disagreements can only exist in a democracy) and suggesting changes to each other accordingly.

Fast forward to Sceptocrypt mk2, I would welcome suggestions to current riffs from the other bandmembers anytime, even a whole song for the matter. But nowadays, the others prefer writing around my riffs. Maybe inadvertently, as we are all so keen to find a drummer to get out live as soon as possible that unconsciously we sticking to the songs as they are, to then experiment once the line-up is complete.

So what is your idea of a music teacher if I may ask? A good tutor is the student's friend, using one's experience to consistently get the better out of their student. Through showing the fastest way to learn anything, but also by allowing them to make mistakes, since every slip-up is a small win in learning how not to do it! As bandmembers (myself included) past and present, we feel content how any musical challenges within a riff turn into a reward – to better ourselves collectively as musicians, and also for the benefit of better tunes!

Dictatorships are arguably a weak trait of who cannot handle a divergent opinion, and maybe composers who do not accept suggestions are sometimes incapable of adapting their style, and growing. Not that original ideas have to always change, but there is never any harm in trying alternative suggestions from each bandmember. After all, it creates a chemistry that every one can stand behind!


If I'm not mistaken, you yourself feel more of an artist than a musician, could you explain why and what you see as the fundamental difference in these two terms in the context of music, creation and performing?

I consider myself to be an artist, a musician and a metalhead all at once, sometimes one taking over the other, which one depends on the mood of the moment.

Whether I try to avoid it or welcome it, whatever I do/create, comes from years of loving/disliking things about metal - the type of music I generally gravitate to - and other musical genres in general.

As a musician, I however do not allow metal to cast any confines of what musical emotions I can explore.
Finally, I consider myself an artist, and for me the creation of art is something that should always get a reaction. Not necessarily be liked, sometimes it could upset, but definitely and mostly never could one be indifferent to its presence.

So going back to your previous question about the polar diversity of our songs, this maybe explains further why.

You are known to be a great lover of flamenco, could you describe what fascinates you about it?

Considering the guitar's predecessors were the lute (that came from Europe) and the oud (that came from Arabia), the latter had considerable influence on the Mediterranean, and in turn the Arabic influence on the gypsies that moved to Andalusia, and developed the Roma chanting of flamenco. As a son of the mediterrean seas, this flirting with the Phyrgian mode must be something in the air and sands, broken chants you can hear from flamenco to Maltese ghana to Greek lullabies. This is the b9 interval, the 2nd most used interval after the diabolus in musica b5th, due to its dissonance, and there is hardly any avant-garde act that does not use it, even in metal!

Growing up as a guitarist, I always admired the amazing plucking techniques that this style of music brings forth, as well as the half-barre techniques of the fretting hand. Indeed, to play flamenco is no easy feat, and I hold them players in high regard. Like blues, it is the chant of the forsaken, and like metal, it comes with many subgenres. I personally gravitate towards Canto Jondo (deep singing) and the Solea, a solemn style of flamenco where the subject matter is generally tragedy, death & desperation, as opposed to the more upbeat flamenco the non-aficionados associate the style with.

So there you go, even in the flamenco world, I tend to prefer the styles that are less subject to commercial capitalism.

But of course, flamenco is just another facet of what I listen to. For example, I like reggae for its bass lines, jazz for its harmonies, latin & African music for its beats, and etc etc,...., I like to learn from any style.


Let's continue with the flamenco influences. During the Sceptocrypt hibernation you had a project EthnaMorte - which we shouldn't forget to mention - combining elements of metal with traditional music and Latin rhythm. How would you define EthnaMorte's genre, and what brought you guys to dissolve?

First off EthnaMorte was not a project but a band. I find this word “project” as a term when musicians put their hands into many pies not knowing what they really want, as opposed to dedicating themselves towards a purpose. So as Ethnamorte was the main thing I was involved in from 2007-2015, it was not a project but a life choice.

Our sound was a collection of different types of music from diverse corners of this world, hence the “ethna” as a reference to the various ethnicities that helped shape different musical genres, and “morte” (Italian for “death”) to reflect the band’s gusto to promote the death of musical confines by experimenting with same genres as tools not limitations!

Shifting our sound along the years, we started off with a tag “world music with a dark twist” moving to “death to music confines” and finally to “avant-world-noir” as to compliment our ever-changing sound and more literature works that continued to surface into our works.

Although there were times in our ever-changing line-up where we were 9 people, the best synergy existed when we were primarily only a duo, of myself on many instruments, and Fabio on vocals and percussions, theatrics & scenography. Being a sought after tourist guide in his hometown, Fabio always returned to Italy to make a better living in summer. One fine summer he made a baby, and eventually moved back there to grow his son up. As we both preferred to compose by rehearsing face to face, we decided to put the band on hold. I been to see him earlier this year, and both him and his son are doing fine, quite frankly much better than he ever felt living in London, a city that can drain you as much as it rewards you sometimes.

You come from Malta, you lived in Germany, USA & Australia for some time, now you live in England (London). Could you compare the differences between the scenes (metal - underground) in the countries and highlight both the positives and the negatives?

I think I cannot, because it has been so long ago, that my comparisons might be outdated.

But I am a gentleman, and as Dasa has asked, to lady shall be answered haha!

· Australia – Although Sydney has a consistent calendar of events, Melbourne is the best for music overall. But overall, the isle is still very far away, and hence ends up with having more local bands and a repetitive music calendar due to less touring bands.

· USA – New York is amazing, truly a city with many colours that never sleeps, with anything from goth to metal to punk to any other alternative adding to the buzz! On the other hand, in Boston I was mostly studying so did not go out enough other to say there is a healthy jazz scene (then again I was studying at Berklee College of Music, so knew no other). Found some goth but no metal.

· London – was much better before Brexit came along making it difficult for smaller bands to tour here. But still a place for lots of live music. But London is not reflective of all England, and any other cities I only visited mostly for few days. I like Liverpool, but it seems more of an indie & cover version scene.

· Germany – Hamburg has more live music whereas Berlin is a good scene for industrial, being the electronic mecca it is. For metal, both however do not compare to London, not even in its post-Brexit slope. On the other hand, for industrial & goth, Berlin is one of the capitals of the world!

If any of your readers are sure I wrote something that is complete bs, blame Dasa for insisting on an answer :D


You recently performed with Sceptocrypt in London as part of Renaissance Open Air Festival, but your fans might have been surprised, as it was an acoustic one-man show set. How did that happen, what were your impressions, and what was the feedback?

I see no reason why fans would have been surprised as it was advertised both by ourselves and the festival as an acoustic show. But yeah, you always get those who do not read the details......

Anyway, Sceptocrypt played 2 sets. The 1st was earlier so the people were still arriving. Being an open air park, luckily it rained during my 1st song so more people came to the stage, the only place offering shelter.

On the contrary, the 2nd set was received much better as the place was buzzing with attendants by now. Maybe as one of our songs features the French playwright Antonin Artuad as protagonist, some French people attending came to compliment me about our works afterwards.

The reason I however played was to present Sceptocrypt in hope of finding a drummer by playing live to the London audience. Unfortunately, this has not yet happened, so once again, if anyone is interested in the tunes you can hear at, pls email us.

You took the role of singer in the new songs, I know you are struggling finding a drummer, but what about the vocals? Growl, clean, narrative - what is your idea of a singer? Or do you plan to do both roles in the future?

I actually do not want to be the band's vocalist for the main reason it frees me to focus more on the guitar riffs (which are not that easy). I also believe that a vocalist not having to play the guitar at the same time is more flexible with his voice and building a rapport with the audience, and hence we are looking for a vocalist too.

But as vocalists normally prefer to have a full band before entering the scene, for now I am singing in the studio, and writing more lyrics, just because they come to me. Ex-vocalist Conrad might also contribute.

Funnily enough, from feedback for The Wards Outside more people appreciated my erratic vocals than my guitar work :) So let's see what the future holds!

The band could definitely benefit from a second guitarist, right?

It could, but we are keeping it under consideration for now. Once we have a vocalist and drummer and the songs are more full, there is more magic in my head that could be translated onto the guitar, not to forget we now have a noize & synths guy.

You have quite long tracks, how much material do you have at the moment, are you planning to record any album? So far you're only releasing singles, if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, we released 2 singles 3 months apart, mostly as a statement to showcase we are back, but the long-term intention is to release full-lengths.

Other than the 4 tracks mentioned earlier, we also currently have 5 more songs that could encompass a 2nd full length. But things could change and we might release an EP between albums, so only time will tell.

Music in general is your passion and also your job. I wonder what are the trends in guitar teaching? How's it going with the younger generation? What's their motivation nowadays? In the past everyone aspired towards The Beatles, what do they want now? I suppose The Beatles are not idols for the young generation anymore :)

I agree that The Beatles are not the thing anymore, although they do have some numbers, that from time to time I suggest to learn easy strumming songs. Kids nowadays idolize more Ed Sheeran and bimbo Taylor Swift, but then again I teach adults too, who tend to lean towards Slash, Bonamassa, Tool and Rage vs the Machine! But that is just an idea. The best thing about being a tutor is the amount of new artists that each student listens to – I am always presented with new names I have not heard before – and us working on their fave songs to help boost their motivation.

And that brings up another question. Technology today - streaming, spotify, etc.... what do you think? Social media and its influence on music? How do you find yourself in these areas?

As for streaming, it is a double edged sword. With people always on the move, they tend to listen to music more on streaming platforms, so although most bands know that most digital platforms are ripping them off, they still post their music there to reach a wider audience. As for Sceptocrypt, we are not on Spotify, but on the free platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Eventually, once we start gigging we might bow to the unwanted elephant in the room, but for now, we find no necessity.

Personally, I never use Spotify/similar. I work from home so I listen music via playing my CDs or YouTube. I sometimes discover new music from YouTube, but I prefer to discover bands live as support bands to other bands I attend shows of.

I do not stream music from a mobile, also as generally I leave home to go to gigs, so during my journey I rest my ears.

Because of your job you have a home studio. Are you the type who likes to do everything yourself or do you let someone else with an objective view mix and master your music? Do you always have the final word?

Before the advent of the current Sceptocrypt line-up with no drummer leading us to share ideas more remotely, I never recorded my riffs other than as a quick video from my mobile, and even nowadays my home studio is more set up for teaching group lessons than recording.

Due to the time I have to spend – not necessarily like - working on computers to promote myself as a guitar tutor, I spend less time on DAWs. I do not hate the process, but there is only so much my eye sight can deal with daily.

For that reason, guitar, bass & drums for our latest “The Wards Outside” were recorded live at our ex-drummer Dan, with anything else handled later at bassist Dip's own home studio. With the mastering outsourced to the crafty hands of Ays Kura from Amnion Studios.

Do not take me wrong – I love the studio and can do more than 12hours at a stretch playing, listening, etc. But I like it as my playground where I get to be the musician and the others push the buttons. I try to be present throughout nearly every step, as for it to get released as Sceptocrypt, it needs my stamp of approval, as every strict dictator must ensure haha!

Kidding apart, it is like a parent who wants to ensure their children look good before going out, so creative control is rightly called for. There can not be Rotting Christ without Sakis, Kreator without Petrozza, Sabbath without Iommi..... so Callus has to oversee Sceptocrypt!

You are quite a thoughtful person. Do you look for some kind of philosophy in music (extreme metal in particular)? Yeah, I guess there's a difference between looking for depth and soul and social dimension in Cannibal Corpse as opposed to Napalm Death. How do you feel about it?

I follow or seek no particular line of philosophy, thus allowing myself to be free to conceive Art, in all its facets, like a sponge takes to water. But every now and again, like any human, I go through experiences that I end up writing about. These end up into my lyrics, into which I put a lot of effort. I hope to think I am right in saying they are miles away from your average metal band, and hence invite your readers to check them out at

What are your ambitions after all these years? What would you like to achieve, do you have any goals and what are your closest plans for the future?

My short term goal is to find a drummer, and soon after a vocalist. My long term goal is to release more music under the monicker of Sceptocrypt. We already have a label deal for once we get to record the songs, so hope the line-up is completed soon so we get cracking!

Thanks for your time Malcolm, it was a pleasure. Good luck with the band and the last words are yours.

Thanks to you Dasa, and the readers of Deadly Storm! If anyone is interested further about Sceptocrypt, please follow our @sceptocrypt handle for our socials, with direct links at

Some riffs can also be found using the handle @coolgoolmusic where I post music-related reels as a music tutor, including but not limited to only Sceptocrypt, and where you can also see me play guitar in different tunings, bass & ukulele, and occasionally other instruments.

One last shout out for drummers (and maybe vocalists) based in London or who can commute here regularly – pls read and act accordingly via email and/or phone (no whatsapp/facebook pls). We chat only by talking to you not through msg ping-pong! Like normal human beings!


Recenze/review - VOID MOON - Dreams Inside the Sun (2024)

VOID MOON - Dreams Inside the Sun
CD 2024, Personal Records

for english please scroll down

Určitě znáte takový ten divný pocit, když nemůžete spát. Váš život je zcela v pořádku, celý den se usmíváte, přesto, když se ocitnete v podivném stavu mezi spánkem a bděním, obestře vás jako nějaká chladná mlha smutek. Vstáváte brzy a něco vás láká ven. Ještě je rosa a ulice jsou prázdné. Vyběhnete nahoru nad město. Mezi stoleté stromy. Pach umírající země. Díváte se na šedivé domy, na továrny, nasloucháte tlukotu svého srdce. Slunce vychází a v žilách se vám rozlije klid.

Jsou nahrávky, které jsou mocné, majestátní. Raději poslouchám, než abych psal slova. Toulám se v lesích, vyhledávám temné kouty. Pokaždé usednu do stínu a jen tak pozoruji. Zpomalím dech i ostatní životní funkce. VOID MOON jsem si užíval již u jejich předchozího EP "Waste of Mind". Na novince kapela volně pokračuje v předešlé práci a já mohu napsat jenom jediné - hudba se opět stala i mojí součástí. 

Doom metal dodnes považuji za jednu z nejtěžších extrémních disciplín. V pomalých rytmech totiž všechno vynikne, je slyšet jakákoliv nedokonalost. Jsem velmi rád ve společnosti "Dreams Inside the Sun". Po formální stránce bylo uděláno vše pro krásně smutný zážitek. To by ale bylo samozřejmě málo. Hlavní jsou nakonec stejně melodie, nálady, způsob, jakým se mi dostanou skladby do hlavy. Přiznám se bez mučení, novinku si neskutečně užívám. Mám totiž rád probouzející se les na městem, chladnou zem, do které mě jednou uloží. Stále mě fascinuje východ slunce, jeho síla i nebezpečí, takové ty momenty, kdy je za obzorem vidět jenom část ohnivé koule. Pokud bych potom měl VOID MOON k někomu přirovnat, volil bych jména jako CANDLEMASS, SOLITUDE AETERNUS, DOOMSHINE, ISOLE, GRIEF COLLECTOR. Moje přirovnání ale berte s rezervou. Pánové jsou jinak samozřejmě svým způsobem originální, mají vlastní výraz, rukopis. Mám rád nahrávky, které ve mě dokáží probudit nějaké emoce, donutí mě, abych si sedl a sepsal pár slov. Připadám si napojený na něco neznámého, neuchopitelného, na věčnost, na přírodní síly. Nevím, jistý jsem si akorát s tím, že nové album jsem si nejvíc užíval venku, na čerstvém vzduchu. Jakoby se kapele povedlo do songů otisknout temnotu a chlad. Cítím v kostech, že brzy přijde bouře. Přidávám postupně hlasitost a mraky jsou zase jednou velmi nízko. Jsem v podivném stavu mezi spánkem a bděním, obestřel mě jako nějaká chladná mlha smutek. Zemřel jsem? Narodil se? Silný doom metalový zážitek! Chlad a temnota, smutek i síla věčnosti!

Asphyx says:

I'm sure you know that weird feeling when you can't sleep. Your life is perfectly fine, you smile all day long, yet when you find yourself in that strange state between sleep and wakefulness, sadness envelops you like a cold mist. You wake up early and something beckons you out. It's still dewy and the streets are empty. You run up above the city. Among the hundred-year-old trees. The smell of the dying earth. You look at the grey houses, the factories, you listen to your heartbeat. The sun rises and peace pours through your veins.

There are recordings that are powerful, majestic. I'd rather listen than write words. I wander in the woods, I seek out the dark corners. I always sit in the shadows and just observe. I slow my breathing and other vital functions. I already enjoyed VOID MOON with their previous EP "Waste of Mind". On the new one, the band freely continues their previous work and I can only write one thing - music has become a part of me again. 

I still consider Doom Metal to be one of the hardest extreme disciplines. In slow rhythms everything stands out, you can hear any imperfection. I'm very happy to be in the company of "Dreams Inside the Sun". Formally, everything has been done for a beautifully sad experience. But that would not be enough, of course. In the end, the melodies, the moods, the way the songs get into my head are the main thing anyway. I'll admit without torture, I enjoy the novelty immensely. For I love the waking forest on the city, the cool earth in which I will one day be laid. I'm still fascinated by the sunrise, its power and danger, those moments when only part of the fireball is visible over the horizon. If I had to compare VOID MOON to someone, I would choose names like CANDLEMASS, SOLITUDE AETERNUS, DOOMSHINE, ISOLE, GRIEF COLLECTOR. But take my comparisons with a grain of salt. Gentlemen are of course otherwise original in their own way, they have their own expression, handwriting. I like records that can awaken some emotions in me, make me sit down and write some words. I feel connected to something unknown, ungraspable, to eternity, to the forces of nature. I don't know, the only thing I'm sure of is that I enjoyed the new album the most outdoors, in the fresh air. As if the band managed to imprint darkness and coldness into the songs. I can feel it in my bones that a storm is coming soon. I turn up the volume and the clouds are very low once again. I'm in a strange state between sleep and wakefulness, sadness has enveloped me like a cold fog. Have I died? Born? A powerful doom metal experience! Cold and dark, sadness and the power of eternity!

Recenze/review - VOID MOON - Waste of Mind (2022):

01. Rays of Vindication
02. Dreams Inside The Sun
03. Season Out Of Season
04. The Dreaming Spire
05. Nadir
06. Broken Skies
07. East Of The Sun
08. Still Dark
09. The Wolf (At The End Of The World)

VOID MOON lineup
Marcus Rosenkvist – lead vocals, drums
Peter Svensson – bass, lead & rhythm guitars

Guest guitar solos:
Martin Jepsen Andersen (Blindstone, Meridian, Anchorite)
Kjetil Lynghaug (Paganizer, Vredesblod)

Recenze/review - HORNED ALMIGHTY - Contagion Zero (2024)

HORNED ALMIGHTY - Contagion Zero
CD 2024, Soulseller Records

for english please scroll down

Krev v očích, šepot nemrtvých. Tichý kostel, zasvěcený odvrácené straně. Negace všeho dobrého, jedovaté sliny, stékající z oltáře. Obrazy plné utrpení. Když někoho zabiješ a ponížíš, tak stačí odříkat pár modliteb a stejně půjdeš do nebe. Skřeky ze záhrobí, už to nebude dlouho trvat. Teď už to víš, celý život ti lhali, modlila ses ke špatným modlám. Rozhřešení neexistuje. Jenom plameny pekelné, jenom utrpení a děs. Děs a krev v tvých očích.

Na novinku dánských tmářů HORNED ALMIGHTY jsem se hodně těšil. Jejich diskografie je totiž velmi bohatá a pestrá. Můžete v ní nelézt tisíc odstínů černé barvy. Chlad i absolutní tmu. A také hudbu, která vám způsobí zástavu srdce, která se vám dostane do žil a zanechá po sobě ledovou stopu. Novinka je volným pokračováním předchozího rouhání. Smrdí zkaženou krví i sírou. 

Dánové letos nabízejí jedovatý koktejl ze starodávných melodií (není divu, jejich historie sahá až do roku 1995, kdy hráli pod jménem MARERIDT). Pokud máte rádi klasickou norskou i švédskou školu, okořeněnou o spoustu vlastních nápadů, neváhejte ani chvilku. Dostanete album, které nejen že má skvělý chladný a podmanivý zvuk (Andreas Linnemann - Producer, Recording, Mixing, Mastering) i démonický obal (Belial Necroarts), ale také hoří jasným, černým a spalujícím plamenem. Pánové sice nepřinášejí nic nového, ani převratného, ale své řemeslo zvládají na výbornou. A nejen to! Přidávají navíc nahrubo nasekanou tmu a kusy již zmiňovaného ledu. Jakoby mě při poslechu obejmula krvavá mlha, jako bych byl stržen do hlubiny. Topím se ve vlastních zvrácených myšlenkách, vyhledávám stín. Nová deska je poctou opravdovému Ďáblu, je děsivou mantrou z plesnivých katakomb. Pokud to takhle máte rádi, jste tu správně. Zapalte všechny svíce a sepněte ruce v obrácené modlitbě. Obřad může začít. Postavy v kápích, tělo ležící na oltáři. Vše je připravené. Určitě jste četli spoustu knížek o inkvizici, o tajemných rituálech, o uhranutí a prokletí. Všechno tohle se povedlo kapele vypálit na hudební nosič. Nejvíc se mi ale líbí celková atmosféra nahrávky, taková ta starodávná patina, kterou mám u hudby tolik rád. Budete mezi prsty prosévat prach, ve který se brzy sami obrátíte. Obrátíte všechny kříže směrem dolů a když černá mše skončí, tak se budete usmívat. Stejně jako Satan a všichni démoni. Není divu, hraje se tu hlavně pro ně. Krev v očích, šepot nemrtvých. Tichý kostel, zasvěcený odvrácené straně. Negace všeho dobrého, jedovaté sliny, stékající z oltáře. Obrazy plné utrpení. Když někoho zabiješ a ponížíš, tak stačí odříkat pár modliteb a stejně půjdeš do nebe. Chladná, plesnivá, krvavá black metalová pocta všem démonům! Obrácená mše plná rouhání a síry!

Asphyx says:

Blood in the eyes, whispers of the undead. A silent church, dedicated to the other side. The negation of all that is good, the poisonous spittle dripping from the altar. Images full of suffering. If you kill and humiliate someone, you just say a few prayers and you still go to heaven. Screams from beyond the grave, it won't be long now. Now you know, you've been lied to all your life, you've been praying to the wrong idols. There is no absolution. Only the flames of hell, only suffering and terror. Terror and blood in your eyes.

I've been looking forward to the new release from Danish darkies HORNED ALMIGHTY. Their discography is very rich and varied. You can't find a thousand shades of black in it. Coldness and absolute darkness. And also music that will make your heart stop, that will get into your veins and leave an icy trail. The novelty is a loose continuation of the previous blasphemy. It reeks of corrupted blood and sulphur.

This year, the Danes offer a poisonous cocktail of old-time tunes (no wonder, their history dates back to 1995, when they played under the name MARERIDT). If you like the classic Norwegian and Swedish school, spiced with a lot of your own ideas, don't hesitate a moment. What you get is an album that not only has a great cool and captivating sound (Andreas Linnemann - Producer, Recording, Mixing, Mastering) and a demonic cover (Belial Necroarts), but also burns with a bright, black and scorching flame. The gentlemen may not bring anything new or groundbreaking, but they master their craft to perfection. And not only that! They also add coarsely chopped darkness and chunks of the aforementioned ice. It's as if a bloody fog has enveloped me while listening, as if I've been pulled down into the depths. I'm drowning in my own twisted thoughts, seeking the shadows. The new record is a tribute to the true Devil, a terrifying mantra from the moldy catacombs. If that's the way you like it, you've come to the right place. Light all the candles and clasp your hands in inverted prayer. The ceremony may begin. The hooded figures, the body lying on the altar. Everything is ready. I'm sure you've read many books about the Inquisition, about arcane rituals, about bewitchment and curses. The band has managed to burn all of this onto a musical medium. But what I like most is the overall atmosphere of the record, that old-time patina that I love so much in music. You'll be sifting through the dust between your fingers, which you'll soon turn into yourself. You'll turn all the crosses downwards and when the black mass is over you'll be smiling. Just like Satan and all the demons. No wonder, it's mostly played for them. Blood in the eyes, whispers of the undead. A silent church, dedicated to the other side. The negation of all that is good, the poisonous spittle dripping from the altar. Images full of suffering. If you kill and humiliate someone, you just say a few prayers and you still go to heaven. A cold, moldy, bloody black metal tribute to all demons! A reverse mass full of blasphemy and brimstone!

1. The Messiah Scourge
2. Gospels of Sickness
3. Vermin on the Mount
4. Ascension of Fever and Plague
5. Furnace of Sulphur and Fire
6. Darken the World
7. Epilogue ... of Hades and of Death

S. Smerte - Vocals
Hellpig - Guitar
Haxen - Bass
Harm - Drums

PŘÍBĚHY MRTVÉHO MUŽE - Příběh čtyř stý šedesátý pátý - Vy nemáte strach?

Příběh čtyř stý šedesátý pátý - Vy nemáte strach?

Mělo to trvat ještě pár měsíců, než otevřou v Plzni první supermarket. Zatím musíme do kamenného obchodu a ve městě to díky tomu žije. Dnes už tam normální člověk raději nepáchne, ale tenkrát jste se nemuseli brodit špínou, dívat se na opilé bezdomovce z dalekého východu a nikde nesmrděly kebaby. Normálně jsme si sedli na lavičku, protože byl čas. Michal vytáhl svačinu a já také. Koupili jsme si každý dva rohlíky a něco málo salámu. Papíry poctivě složíme, odříhneme si a zahlásíme něco o tom, že by to chtělo pivo. Hele, naproti už mají otevřeno, vlezeme do baru,  ve kterém jednou budu sledovat záznam z útoků na New York 11. září 2001. Zatím je tu klid. Odnesu vše do koše, aby kolem bylo čisto, jako tu zatím je. Když se dnes projdete Plzní, tak je zase čím dál tím víc šedivá. To ale zatím nevíme, my si užíváme, že jsme mladí a je pátek. Ze školy jsme zdrhli dřív. Nějaký laborky nás moc nezajímaly.

Michal teď dost ujíždí na sci-fi a mě to naplňuje takovou tou hrdostí, kterou má člověk, který někoho na něco přesvědčí. Býval jsem považován za znalce a asi jsem jim i trošku byl. Možná to zní neskromně, ale uvědomme si, že nebyl internet a můj zápisník byl plný dobrých tipů, získaných za spoustu let četby. Z jedné strany muzika, z druhé knihy. Sedneme se, vysmějeme se číšnici, že nám chce nabídnout Budvar. Je mi ji trochu líto, ale prodávat tohle pivo v Plzni? Troufalé! Podotýkám, že ještě nebyla doba pivních speciálů z garáží pro intouše. Normálně se chlastalo. Hergot, mě je dobře. Víkend před námi, holky jsou u rodičů, co podnikneme kámo? Ptám se a sám nevím. Chtělo by to nějaký koncert, pořádně si vymlátit hlavu, dostat ze sebe všechna ta čísla, co do nás furt rvou pod tlakem ve škole. Michal si hodí vlasy dozadu, upraví si svůj hippiesáckej koženej náramek, kvůli kterýmu si ho pořád dobírám a zamyslí se. Fakt vypadá, že přemýšlí. Ty vole, tváříš se jak mladej právník. Rozesměje ho to. Mám pro tebe překvapení. A vytáhne z kapsy zmuchlanej leták.

Vyfouknu kouř z cigára a kouknu na papír. Co to jako je? Kouká na mě divný pán s americkým neupřímným úsměvem. Kámo, tohle je chlap, kterej nejvíc rozumí sci-fi. Říká se, že byl v hangáru 18, když pitvali mimozemšťany. Chvíli mlčím a pak se začnu řehtat. Michale, to si děláš srandu? Ale on je zcela vážný. Říkám si, takovej chytrej a vzdělanej kluk a bude věřit takový kravině? Navíc, má to být nějaká přednáška nebo co. A mě se fakt nechce trávit volný čas zase někde nad katedrou. Jenže nechci nechat svého kamaráda samotného. Je umanutý. Prý tohle musíme vidět. Ještě několikrát ho přeruším, s tím, že je to nějaká kravina a že v Jamu hrajou nějaký kapely folk. Pojď, budeme si z nich dělat prdel. Ale nenechá si ode mě nic vymluvit. On je Michal taky někdy umanutej, tvrdá palice. Nezbývá mi nic jiného, než být ostražitý. Dáme ještě jedno pivo a pak se vydáme do Tylovky. Tam už postávají před vchodem lidé. A všichni jsou divní od pohledu. Mají stejný kožený úsměv jako kandidát všech věd a doktor všech oborů z letáku. Něco je blbě, akorát nevím co. Ale já na to přijdu. Zapálím si cigáro, ale nějaká paní kolem padesátky mě okřikne. Tady se nekouří! Pak ale nechápu, proč jsou všude na chodbách popelníky? Zeptám se a ona se na mě podívá jako šelma. Zamrazí mě v zádech.

Zavedou nás do sálu a jsou milí jak křesťané, když vylezou z nedělní mše očištěni od všech prasáren, které za celý týden napáchali. Říkají nám přátelé a mezi sebou bratře a sestro. Zřejmě velká rodina. Vepředu stojí chlápek v obleku a všem kyne rukou. To bude asi šéf, řeknu moc nahlas, protože se na mě celý sál otočí. Pšššššt. Zašeptá nějaká další paní. Mimochodem, všechny dámy mají pohled štvané laně. A oči, které hledí na hlavního pána na pódiu jako boromějky na ježíšovo přirození přikryté plátnem. Protože vole, svatí jsou bezpohlavní. Jako ale fakt, celý mi to dneska připadá jako kostel, ale moderní, z budoucnosti. Vyleze nějaká paní, co má ramena vycpaná jako americkej fobalista. Cestou nahoru na prkna, co pro mnohé znamenají svět, nasadí úsměv. Všichni se jednou budeme usmívat, vzpomenu si na tuhle myšlenku po mnoha letech, když objevím facebook. Přivítá nás na dnešní přednášce. Akorát nám pořád nikdo neřekl, o čem bude. To se dozvíme až za chvíli. Nejdřív nás tak vyděsí, že se jedna mladá slečna rozbrečí a následně poblije. 

Zhasnou totiž světla. Je úplná tma a pak vzduch prořízne šílený zvuk. Něco jako raněný zvíře, bestie, nazghul, nevím jak to popsat. Pak se na plátně objeví drápy, které trhají nějaké vnitřnosti. Je to hnusný, mokvá to, chybí snad už jenom smrad. Všichni hledí upřeně na obrazovku. Mám pocit, že mě to přitahuje, že mě to vtahuje dovnitř. Štípnu se do stehna a odvrátím tvář. Kurva co to je? Zhasnou světla, pak se rozsvítí kužel a pán v obleku na nás začne řvát. Jsme jenom kusy masa, který jsou tady na chov. Přežijí jenom vyvolení. Jenom ti, kteří budou věřit, jen ti pokorní. Pak se nadechne, protože křičení samozřejmě člověka vyčerpá. Řeknu do ticha, no doprdele. Ihned se na mě podívá a od stěny se odlepí dvě gorily. Dosud stály u dveří a mě konečně došlo, že jsme tu zavření. Mezitím se na plátně začne odehrávat hodně brutální pitva mimozemšťana. Jako nejsem odborník, ale nedávno jsem viděl dokument o tom, jak se natáčejí horory. A tohle byly teda hodně slabý triky. Ale chápu, neznalého můžou záběry vyděsit. Nějaký pupkatý pán v první řadě dole začne plakat. Poprvé nepoznám, jestli je to nahrané nebo je mu fakt blbě. 

Křičí na nás a řvou. Je to tady samej pomatenej rádoby intelektuál. Všichni se bojí a mě to začíná štvát. Prošel jsem kanálama, dělal jsem na jatkách, mě jen tak nějakej debil nenažene strach. Film přitvrzuje. Invaze prý dávno začala, jsme ovládáni na dálku (tomu poprvé uvěřím až v daleké budoucnosti, když začnu potkávat lidi s pohledy upřenými na zeď sociálních sítí), musíme se podrobit, protože oni mají technologie, které poskytnou jen vyvoleným. Michale, doprdele Michale, prober se. Jenže můj kamarád je v transu. Zvednu se tedy a dám mu facku. Jdeme, na tohle koukat nebudu. Chytím ho za ruku a táhnu ven. Jenže ty kurvy jsou připravený. Ihned jsou u nás dva plešouni, něco mumlají do mikrofonů. Vezmou nás zezadu za ruce (je tma a zakopnu), kroutí je, až syknu bolestí. Co to doprdele děláš? Kdo si? Hodí nás do místnosti a zabouchnou dveře. Je tam jen okno do dvora. Venku je už taky tma a jsou tu jen židle a stůl. Sedneme si. Michal dýchá pouze na povrchu. Je na něm vidět, že ho to fakt hodně vyděsilo. Měl chudák hodného tátu a potkal zatím jen příjemné lidi. Začnu kopat do dveří, ale nikdo nic. Pak se na obrazovce na zdi objeví tvář. Připadám si jak v Mechanickém pomeranči. Co je zase tohle? 

Dobrý den přátelé. Začne na nás mluvit a já musím uznat, že tahle sekta (ještě nevím, že to jsou scientologové) je co se týká technologií velmi na výši. Takové vybavení jsme neměli ani ve škole. Ve nemáte strach? Ozve se z reproduktorů. Místo odpovědi vezmu židli a mrštím s ní do obrazovky. Kurvy zasraný. Zařvu. Odpovědí je mi nejdřív ticho a potom šílený jekot z reproduktorů. Tady se mě někdo snaží dostat. Zvednu židli ze země a praštím s ní do okna. Tak uvidíme, co vy na to. Nic se neděje. Nikde žádná reakce. Vykouknu ven a rukávem od křiváka smetu střepy. Spadnou dolů na Tylovu ulici. Divím se, že to nikomu nevadí, nikdo se ani neohlédne. Pak si všimnu, že všude okolo jsou jen cikáni. Aha. Pomalu vylezu ven, abych prozkoumal okolí. Je to jen malý ochoz a spousta metrů pode mnou. Dostanu závrať. Takhle to nepůjde. Začnu mlátit židlí do kliky. Nakonec povolí. Jsem ale spocenej a můj kamarád totálně apatickej. Chytnu ho za ruku a běžíme po ochozu. Normálně projdeme dveřmi. Nikde nikdo. Z plátna za námi se ozývá řev nějaké slečny. Zrovna kopuluje s hnusným emzákem. Koutkem oka zahlédnu, že jí roztrhne obrovským údem celý tělo. Kousek ode mě se ozve, ááách. Dáma středního věku stále visí obličejem na filmu. 

Gorily potkáme až dole, kousek od vchodu. Stanu se slizkým hadem, jsem ještě mrštný. Provléknu se kolem jednoho překvapeného. Tvoje šéfová říkala, že se tady nekouří, blbečku. Upoutám na sebe pozornost, aby mohl Michal zdrhnout. Jen za ním zaklapnou lítačky. První ránu chytím zprava, druhou zespoda do břicha. Zlomím se a něco ve mě rupne. Aspoň mi to tak přijde. Přesto vyběhnu. Michal sedí na soklu před vchodem. Běžíme, řvu a konečně mu to dojde. Plešouni za námi sice vyběhnou, ale nechají nás. Uff. zastavíme se až na náměstí a jsme tak plní adrenalinu, že křičíme. Uklidníme se až po dlouhé době. Zalezeme ihned do hospody. Dole ve sklepě je najednou fajn. Michale, ty vole, to jako fakt? Ty si v sektě? Pak mi kamarád vysvětlí, že potkal nějakýho chlápka ve škole, dali se do řeči, byl příjemnej a zajímal se taky o knížky. Znal sci-fi autory a působil velmi solidně. Řekl mu. Přijď někdy na naši přednášku. My se o tyhle věci zajímáme. Máme moc dobrou knihovnu, kdybys chtěl. Pak už se jen tlemíme, jak jsme byli blbí. Dokonce stihneme dvě poslední folkové kapely, ze kterých si dneska děláme fakt velkou prdel. Nikdy jsem nepřiložil na táborák, nikdy jsem nejezdil kamionem a nepotkal jsem holku, co má ve vlasech sníh. Řveme jejich texty a málem nás vyhodí. Máme zkrátka svůj den.

Probudím se až k večeru a mám děsivé sny. Pitvají v nich mimozemšťany. Dojdu pro blondýnku za nádraží a ještě za tepla jí všechno vyprávím. Když se směju, tak pokaždé syknu. Bolí mě žebra. Znáte to, už jsme se dva dny neviděli. Ihned na to chceme vlítnout. Jenže já nemůžu. Přicházím pomalu k sobě a bolest je veliká. Jde na chirurgii se mnou. Pohotovost volíme na Borech, ve vojenské nemocnici. Když čekáme na sestru, objeví se za prosklenými dveřmi známá tvář. Ano, pan doktor je včerejší přednášející. Zamrazí mě v zádech, vezmu blondýnku za ruku a pravdu jí řeknu až v tramvaji. Jedeme na Denisovo nábřeží. Než se dostanu na řadu, je už skoro půlnoc. Sestřička je moc milá a když mi moje naražená žebra ováže obinadlem, tak se mě zeptá: "Vy nemáte strach"? Mezi bolestí a smíchem mi vytrysknou slzy. Já už mám slečno, strach jenom ze zlých lidí. Odpovím a ona pokývá souhlasně hlavou. 

Vize je taková, že každou neděli vyjde jeden příběh (pokud mi do toho tedy něco nevleze). Všechny pak budou postupně doplňovány zde (pravý sloupec na stránkách):

sobota 13. července 2024

Photos - ESCARNIUM - club Modrá Vopice, Praha - 11. 7. 2024

Author of photos - Andy/Džezabel, thank you!

Author of photos - Andy/Džezabel, thank you!


Interview - ABYSMAL WINDS - Dead, dark, raw and cold death metal that is a terrifying echo from the infinite realm of shadows!

Interview with death metal band from Sweden - ABYSMAL WINDS.

Answered Nekromonger (guitars), thank you!

Recenze/review - ABYSMAL WINDS - Magna Pestilencia (2024):

Ave ABYSMAL WINDS! Hello to the Swedish underground. I hope everything is okay with you. It should be, you have the first long-playing great album of your career this year. I have to admit, it literally put me up against the wall. It's dark, it's energetic, it cuts with a knife edge. It's very telling that you've done a great job and a great deal of talent too. How do you feel about the new record in relation to your demo? Where did you want to go and how do you think the recordings are different?


Well, musically the record doesn't differ that much from the demo. It's a natural continuation, I think.

We have found our formula, and we know what type of death metal we love and want to create ourselves.
We do not aim to evolve our music in any other direction but rather try to perfect our craft.

We recorded the demo and the album in similar ways, but since they're mixed/mastered in different studios, the sound/production is a bit different. We really like the sound on both recordings though.

It's always harder to write an entire album than to write a few songs for an EP or demo, but we are really satisfied with the result.

"Magna Pestilencia" contains all the attributes of good death metal. For me personally, it is a record that I love to come back to. How was it made? How did ABYSMAL WINDS compose the new material?

Well we started working on the album as soon as the demo was recorded. They were both written in the same way. Either by some cool riff ideás or some drum patterns and then we forge it to songs together at the rehearsal room.

The music of Abysmal Winds shall be dark and brutal, filthy and with that ancient feeling. And without any unnecessary elements - no fuss!

I have to confirm that I like the production of the album. It still makes me turn up the volume on the hi-fi tower. Who made you a sound that is harsh, raw and dark and animalistic at the same time. How did you work with him and why him? What studio did you record in and how did it all work?

We recorded the drums in a local studio (Secure) with the help of Stefan Eriksson, a friend of ours. The rest we recorded by ourselves in the rehearsalroom.

Devo (Endarker studio)then mixed and mastered it, so the most credit for the sound/production goes to him.

We of course had ideas and inputs of how we wanted it to sound and he was able to realize most of it.

The album has a deadpan cover. Who is the author? How did you choose the theme and how does it relate to the music on the album?

I (Nekromonger) made the cover. We prefer minimalistic and stylistically pure art for our releases. Art that also will look good on a shirt.

We also want all our relases to have coherent artwork. Similar style and colour scheme, so we will continue on the dark red and grey path.

And we like that old woodcut style. Like an old biblical illustration, that fits well with our lyrics.

The cover symbolizes mankind's futile strife, misery and death in a burning world while god is slumbering blind and oblivious.

I've been roaming the underworld for over thirty years and I actually go to Sweden for music just in case. I think we have similar moods and tastes when it comes to metal. I like your bands a lot and I follow your scene very closely. Maybe I'm a bit jealous, we only have a few death metal bands in our country that are worth it. What do you explain that death metal is so successful in your country? How do you perceive your scene, fans, labels?

Really don´t know why there is such a strong scene here, but I guess it has to do with the first wave of Swedish death metal where a few good bands inspired each other, were able to get some reputation in the metal scene and inspired other bands to emerge.

Even though we mainly grew up listening to death metal bands like Morbid Anngel, Incantation, Autopsy and Sadistic Intent etc and never were that fond of the typical Swedish sound there are still loads of great Swedish death metal bands. Like Kaamos, Repugnant, Degial, Encryptment and so on....

Nowadays there are lots of good liveshows and festivals. Many cool bands who come here to play so the scene is still vital.

You play death metal influenced by the old school. Nowadays a band can't really avoid comparisons, but I would like to know how the idea to start ABYSMAL WINDS came about, who was and is your role model and where you want to take your band? Are you tempted by big festivals abroad, for example, are you willing to tour with a more famous pack?

The idea to start a new band actually came with the creation of a couple of songs that did´nt really fit with the bands we were active in at the moment.

So we decided to start a new band and continue in the style of that material. Abysmal Winds quickly evolved into our main priority and is not to be considered a side project or anything like that.

We don´t really have any direct role models or influences, but of course we are influenced (direct or indirect) by the bands we grew up listening to. Band like Sadistic Intent or Autopsy and old obscure thrash, black and other extreme metal.

When I started my site eight years ago, I had a vision of trying to support bands that I felt weren't as visible. Let the world know about them. I think I've been pretty successful at that, at least judging by the response. How do you approach promotion? Do you leave it up to the label or do you send out CDs yourself for various reviews? I buy albums that I really enjoy, for example. How are you? Are you also a fan who likes to support your colleagues often? Do you go to concerts? Do you party?

We don´t have any promoes ourselves to give out, but we try to do our part when it comes to promoting the band. Whether it´s trading albums with other bands, playing the occasional live-shows or answering interviews like this one.

We definitly support our colleagues by buying albums. We're all really in to collecting records and music and we go to concerts whenever we can.

When we get the whole band together there tends to be some partying as well.

On the one hand, a band starting out today has a lot of opportunities to make their presence known, but on the other hand, there are a huge number of bands and fans get lost in them. A lot of people just download mp3s from the internet and spit venomous spittle on Facebook instead of going to a gig. How does modern technology affect you as ABYSMAL WINDS? What do you think about downloading music, google metal, streaming music etc.?

I think the modern technology is a doubble edged sword.

Like you said it´s easier to reach out and easier to get in touch with mealheads and great bands around the world.

On the other hand, it´s easy to loose yourself in the vast quantity of bands and releases. Both as a band and as a metalhead. You probably miss many great bands in the constant stream of new releases.

We miss the old days when you had to read zines, browse you local record store, go to shows shows or trade tapes to discover new bands though...

I like to ask musicians what death metal means to them. How would they define it, is it more of a philosophy and lifestyle for them or "just" relaxation. What does it mean to you? How do you perceive and experience it?

For us extreme metal is a lifestyle, we have been into black and death metal since the nineties and it's our flesh and our blood. It not just a hobby or anything like that.

Death metal should be dark, bleak and filthy. More of a philosofy, Dealing with the darker sides of humanity, religion, spiritualism, life - and, above all, DEATH! ­

Finally, a classic but important question. What are ABYSMAL WINDS planning in the coming months? Where can we see you in concert and when will you visit the Czech Republic?

We have some plans in motion. We have some shows that are being planned at the moment. Just in Sweden though, but we´d really love to come to Czechia to play!

Thank you very much for the interview. I wish not only the new album a lot of success and may the ranks of your fans expand as much as possible. I'll be looking forward to seeing you live somewhere and may you do well both musically and on a personal level. I'm going to get "Magna Pestilencia" in my head again!

Thank for the support! We really appreciate it!

Recenze/review - ABYSMAL WINDS - Magna Pestilencia (2024):
