sobota 6. května 2017


Napalm Death
author of photos – Michal Radoš
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Place: Brno, Fléda -
Promoters: Obscure promotions -







Recenze/review - CRURIFRAGIUM - Beasts Of The Temple Of Satan (2017)

CRURIFRAGIUM - Beasts Of The Temple Of Satan
CD 2017, Invictus Productions

Zapálený kostel plápolá, očištěn od všeho toho hnusu, který se v něm poslední roky odehrával. Tolikrát znesvěcený boží chrám byste těžko pohledali. Ministranti by mohli vyprávět. Ještě dnes mají špatné sny. Zažili peklo v místech, kde ostatní hledávají útěchu.

Hrát black death metal se dá mnoha způsoby. Američtí CRURIFRAGIUM si zvolili ten rouhačský, ošklivý, zlý, nepříjemný, hlučný, nečitelný a spalující. Vezměte vlivy ARCHGOAT, PROCLAMATION, BEHERIT, prolijte je krví padlých kněží a zasypejte sírou. Podávejte syrové a podchlazené. "Beasts Of The Temple Of Satan" je prokletím vašich nečistých duší.

"Beasts Of The Temple Of Satan" jsem poslouchal nejraději v absolutní tmě, odizolován od celého světa. Ve své kobce, s lebkami vyskládanými do úhledných hromad. Tohle není hudba pro slabé, vyděšené jedince, ale spíše pro temné predátory, toužící po vlastní krvi. Co na tom, že nálada je během celého poslechu zkažená, zničující, pálivá a prašivá. Na albu se mi líbí vlastně všechno, drásá mě, přesvědčuje na svoji stranu, podmaňuje a drtí. Mám to takhle rád a i když uznávám, že tohle všechno zde už bylo snad tisíckrát, songy si rvu do hlavy rád a pokorně stále dál. Black death metalové album se zničující silou! Skvělé!


CRURIFRAGIUM k nám zavítali na návštěvu z onoho světa. Jejich nová deska "Beasts Of The Temple Of Satan" je plná umírání, strachu, stínů, tmy i nenávisti. Pomalá, s doomovými náladami, blacková, se zákeřností, smrtící, s dynamickým sekáním. Slov by bylo možné o této desce napsat mnoho, ale nikdy by nedokázala popsat všechno zlo, které na ní nalezneme. Buďte při poslechu ve střehu! Ta hranice mezi tímto a odvráceným světem je velmi tenká a mohla by vás pohltit temnota. Na nové desce se umírá pomalu, dlouze a utrpení není ničím vykoupeno. Nezahrávejte si s temnými silami! Jsou všude kolem, koušou, pálí, stahují vás do nekonečných hlubin. Svět opět pokryl závěs z černé mlhoviny a světla se jen tak nedočkáte. Poslední zbytky naděje v dobro jsou smeteny ostrými riffy a smutek se rozkládá všude kolem jako pohozená mršina. Death/black metalové album, které je nakažlivé jako mor!

Asphyx says:

CRURIFRAGIUM arrived to us from the beyond. The new album called "Beasts Of The Temple Of Satan" is full of dying, fear, shadows, darkness and hate. It´s slow with doom moods and black with deceit and deadly and dynamic gathering. There is a lot what can be say about this album, however nothing is able to describe how evil is it. When you listen to this album, watch out! The outline between this and the other world is very thin and you could be eaten up by the darkness. On this album the dying is slow, long and the misery can´t be redeemed. Do not flirt with the dark powers! They are everywhere around us, they bite, burn and they would take you to the darkness beyond. The world is covered by dark fog again and you are not able to see the lights. The last chances for hope are killed by sharp riffs and the sadness is all around like a carcass. Death/black metal album which is contagious like a plague!

1. Behold (Evangelation) 01:22
2. Stigmata Excruciation 04:30
3. Unfurl the Banners of Evil 03:43
4. Flayed Angels 00:45
5. Exalted Blasphemous Trinity 03:17
6. Vespers for the Massacred 00:51
7. Slaughterers of the Flocks 03:35
8. Utter Sadism 01:13
9. Crucified Bastard 03:55
10. Beasts of the Temple of Satan 04:47
11. The Horns of Power 03:41

Purveyor of Destruction - Drums
Horned Despoiler of the First Temple - Guitars, Vocals
False Prophet Goatmessiah - Guitars, Vocals

Recenze/review - WARLUST - Morbid Execution (2017)

WARLUST - Morbid Execution
CD 2017, Undercover Records

Kroutí se červi ve zběsilém rytmu. Řekli mi, že je mám spálit na popel. Škvaří se maso, umírá další člověk. Infekce musí ven, za cenu jakýchkoliv obětí. Ať mi nikdo neříká, že takhle nevypadá peklo. Peklo na zemi, peklo v podzemí, peklo v našich duších.

Moje undergroundová mise pokračuje dál, tentokrát do sousedního Německa, kde mě oslovila, proklela a zhanobila black thrashová horda WARLUST. Ctitelé starých pořádků, milovníci temnoty, války s nebem a nekonečného rouhání. Máte rádi DESASTER, AURA NOIR, DESTROYER 666, SODOM, NIFELHEIM, NOCTURNAL GRAVES, ABSU? Pak si určitě oblíbíte i "Morbid Execution".

"Morbid Execution" je dlouho zkaženou krví, tlející v temné kobce pod znesvěceným kostelem. Je melodičtější odpovědí na infernální praktiky padlých kněží. Černotou vymačkanou z lidského utrpení. WARLUST dělají svoji bohu protivnou práci velmi dobře. Ne příliš originálně, ale na to se v undergroundu příliš nehledí. Důležitější je heavy efekt, odhodlání a drtivý účinek. A to všechno Němci dodávají. Navíc zabalené v plesnivém plášti utkaném z dlouhých stínů. Líbí se mi všude přítomný chlad, odér krutosti i zastřený zvuk. Už zase zní morbidní ozvěna ze záhrobí, opět mě zvou k nekonečnému tanci. Poslednímu. Rád a s chutí přijímám. Inferno! Válka! Smrt! Black thrash metall! WARLUST! Velmi dobře!


WARLUST jsou jako zlo z dávných dob. Archivní black thrashové postupy, rezavý zvuk, touha zničit tenhle svět. Tohle všechno v jejich novince "Morbid Execution" slyším. Album je určeno pro všechny hudební patrioty, pro milovníky starých časů. Hudba je to jednoduchá, zákeřná, ale má v sobě velkou sílu a energii. Berte a nebo nechte být. Dejte si pivo a nic neřešte! Na hromadě plesnivých kostí stojí německé komando WARLUST a snaží se nám vysvětlit, že peklo opravdu existuje. Věřím jim to! Black/thrash metal, který je plesnivý jako stará rakev! Ďábelský rituál!

Asphyx says:

WARLUST are like some evil from ancient times. Archival black thrash methods, rusty sound, desire to destroy this world. These all I hear on their news "Morbid Execution". The album is for all music patriots, for lovers of old times. The music is simple, insidious, but it has a big strength and energy. Take or let it be. Have a beer and don't sweat anything! There is standing the squad WARLUST from Germany  on a pile of moldy bones and try to explain to us that the Hell really exists. I believe them! Black/thrash metal, that is musty like an old coffin! Diabolical ritual!

1. Destroyer Of Worlds (Instrumental)
2. Blasphemic Terror Command
3. Wings Of Blasphemy
4. Altars Of Hell
5. Certain Death
6. Morbid Execution
7. Obsession To Kill
8. Speed Metal Tyrants
9. Witchcult
10. Infernal Night... Of Desecration

Vocals/Guitars: Necromancer
Vocals/Guitars: Aeon
Bass: Nuctemeron
Drums: Warmachine

Few questions - black/thrash metal band from Germany - WARLUST.

Few questions - black/thrash metal band from Germany - WARLUST.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.?

Hail, Warlust is a Black Thrash command from Germany and has been formed in 2012. Our mission is to revive the unholy and relentless spirit of metal music. We deliver a raw and aggressive sound marked by morbid and melancholic melodies. The first Demo Tape 'Unholy Attack' was released under the banner of Into Dungeons Records in 2014 (Lim. 200/Sold out). Evil Spell/Undercover Records signed the band in early 2015 to spit out the first Warlust Album 'Morbid Execution' which is released on CD yet.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We recorded the whole album in our rehearsal room with the help from our good friend Olli and a shit load of alcohol.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

1000 CDs were pressed and are on sale now. In may we will release the vinyl version.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I (Necromancer - Vocals & Guitars) was responsible for most of the songwriting including the lyrics. Our new guitarist Aeon is now involved in the lyrics writing process. I write the lyrics alone and on my own. The lyrics are not that deep, concerning evil & anti religious themes.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo is by Christoph Breit, the LP artwork is by Karmazid. I manage the Facebook and bandcamp sites. I think it's important to show some presence and to inform the hordes about live shows and stuff like that, but I prefer minimalistic Social Media behavior.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Evil Spell Records asked us to release our album under their banner. Evil Spell Records is one of the biggest underground labels with that huge underground support. We are satisfied with the cooperation.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We idolise many bands of very different styles. Concerning Warlust the most important bands are old-school Sepultura, Possessed, Deströyer 666, Dissection, Slayer, Aura Noir, Immortal,...

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

No we did not.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We played several live shows since 2014. Last two weekends we played the Taunus Metal Festival and the Raging Death Date. These were our first festival gigs ever. It was great for sure, but I think we are a band made for smaller clubs with dark, morbid and violent atmospheres.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

We want to play live and finish a new album.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can contact us via our Facebook page or our email adress:

Thanx for the interview.

I thank you, cheers and metal up your ass!

pátek 5. května 2017

Recenze/review - DROID - Terrestrial Mutations (2017)

DROID - Terrestrial Mutations
CD 2017, Nightbreaker Productions

Hlášení kosmické lodi: "Jsme pravděpodobně poslední, kdo viděl naši matičku Zemi v celku. Není to ani pár hodin a ztratila se jako hořící hvězda. Nějaký šílenec, z některé z mocných zemí, odpálil nálož, která zlikvidovala všechnu tu modrou krásu. Jsme pravděpodobně poslední lidé, kteří přežili. Konec hlášení."

Mám rád, když u thrash metalu kapely přemýšlejí. Miluji lehké náznaky progresivity, hru s náladami, spoustu různých stylových odboček a vsuvek. Proto jsem se také rozhodl sepsat pár řádek na novinku kanadských sci-fi thrasherů DROID. Fantazii se meze nekladou. Poslouchám "Terrestrial Mutations" a připadám si jako kosmonaut, vznášející se v beztížném stavu. 

"Terrestrial Mutations" je zpočátku těžce uchopitelným dílem, u kterého máte pocit, že vám protéká mezi prsty. Chce to soustředěnější poslech s rozšířenou vnímavostí. Kanaďané ctí stejné metalové pořádky jako VOIVOD, CORONER, VEKTOR, VEXOVOID, CHILDREN, ANCRUSIS, samozřejmě s přihlédnutím k citelné progresi. Texty plné sociálních témat, lidské sebedestrukce a lehké psychedelie.  DROID právě obsadili novou planetu a zakládají na ní nový rod. Jsem tomu rád, protože kdyby takhle hrály všechny kapely na světě, bylo by to úžasné. Ta lehkost, ta samozřejmost, s jakou jejich melodie plynou, je dokonale přitažlivá, přesto řezající a drtivá. Přemýšlivé, inteligentní, tajemné, magické, šílené - takové je nové album DROID! Doporučuji všem, kteří věří v nekonečno! Úžasná deska!


Povolávám do zbraně všechny pravé thrashery! DROID totiž letos vyhlásili válku celému vesmíru a nahráli vynikající album. Je v něm obsaženo absolutně úplně vše potřebné k tomu, aby bylo lidstvo vyhlazeno hudbou. Ostré riffy, skvělé melodie a strojově chladná atmosféra. Takhle nějak si představuji zemi po apokalypse. Ve skladbách je narváno obrovské množství energie a vynikajících nápadů. A ten zvuk! Klaním se až k podlaze a novinku si neskutečně užívám! "Terrestrial Mutations" mě totálně rozsekalo a přeneslo mě do jiné dimenze. Vesmírný thrash metal, který ničí vše živé a je pro mě adeptem na album měsíce! Wov!

Asphyx says:

I call to arms all true thrashers! DROID declared war against the whole space this year and they recorded an excellent album. It contains absolutely everything you need to wipe out the humanity with music. Sharp riffs, great melodies and machine-cool mood. This is how I imagine the Earth after the apocalypse. There is crammed a huge amount of energy and excellent ideas in the tracks. And the sound! I'm bowing down to the floor and I enjoy the news incredibly! "Terrestrial Mutations" hacked me totally and it moved me into another dimension. Space thrash metal, which destroys all living things and for me aspirant to the album of this month! WOV!

1) Amorphous Forms (Shapeless Shadows)
2) Suspended Animation
3) Abandoned Celestial State
4) Terrestrial Mutation
5) Pain of Reincarnation
6) Temptations of Terminal Progress
7) Cosmic Debt
8) Excommunicated
9) Mission Drift

Jacob Montgomery - Guitar/Vocals
Michael Gabor - Bass
Sebastian Alcamo - Drums

Few questions – interview with progressive thrash/speed metal band from Canada - DROID.

Few questions – interview with progressive thrash/speed metal band from Canada - DROID.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.?

We (Droid) were formed in 2012 by myself, Jacob Montgomery (Guitar and Vocals), Sebastian Alcamo (Drums) and Mike Gabor (Formerly on Bass). In early 2017 Mike was replaced by long time friend of the band and veteran Toronto bassist Chris Riley.

We play a style of metal that is a mix of late 80’s thrash metal and early 70’s progressive and psychedelic rock. We’ve been referred to as space thrash or psychedelic metal by audience members at shows before.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The band originally entered the studio Easter weekend in 2015 to record 3 songs (2 of which were intended for a 7” and one for a split 7”) but upon the collapse of plans for the 7” and split the band decided to re-enter the studio in late April 2016 the record the remaining 6 songs that were planned for the album. The combination of these two sessions is what ended up being the album (Terrestrial Mutations). 

It was recorded at Skylark Park Studio in Pembroke, Ontario and was engineered by Jordon Zadorozny (owner and operator of Skylark Park) and produced by myself and Jordon. 

The mixing and mastering was done by Mark Kopernicky at his studio in our hometown of Brampton, Ontario.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

500 copies will be released on CD by Nightbreaker Productions out of Italy and a very limited run of Cassettes will be put out by Temple of Mystery Records out of Canada. 

Right now we are still shopping around the record to labels for a vinyl release.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I (Jacob) handle all of the lyrics. Lyrical inspiration usually comes from whatever events are happening (and overwhelming) in my life at the time as well as what ever literature I am reading at the time (usually non-fiction sociological articles). Thematically the struggles of daily life on an individual and global level tend to be an ever present re-occurring theme, any and all ‘Sci-fi’ references are purely allegorical.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

Our current logo was created by a graphic designer and very close friend to the band named Adam Power. The album art was done by Danny Francis and the layout for the record was handled by Annick Giroux. 

I think social networking is important for small bands such as ourselves because it allows us to be put into direct contact with fans, promoters, labels etc. It also allows for an easy platform for promoting your music and sharing it with anyone and everyone around the world. 

Though I do believe it is not entirely necessary and that there is no true substitute for gigging a lot and word of mouth promotion.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you?

Alex Panza from Nightbreaker Productions reached out to us after our first Ep (Disconnected) was released on vinyl to remix and master it for CD. He also at the time offered to work with us on any future releases by the band, an offer which we took him up on recently due to how pleased we with with our past experiences in dealing with him and the label. 

Annick Giroux (who operates Temple of Mystery Records with her husband François) reached out to us about possibly putting out our record some time after booking us for Wings of Metal (The best Metal festival in Canada!).

I am very pleased to be involved with both of these labels as they are owned and operated by fans and musicians themselves, so there is a great level of enthusiasm and patience and understanding that comes from someone who completely understands where you are coming from on an artistic and business level. Both go through great lengths to ensure the bands they collaborate with are completely satisfied with the final product. 

I have nothing but the upmost respect for both Annick and Alex. Die hards like them keep the scene alive.

Which bands do you idolize and where do you get your inspiration?

The bands that most inspire the music of Droid from a song writing point of view are Voivod, Mekong Delta, Atheist, Coroner, Megadeth, Annihilator, Hawkwind and King Crimson. 

I get my inspiration musically from whatever records I am listening to at the time of the writing process (song writing influences can be and broad and general as that statement implies), though recently (and for our third record, seeing as our second album is already written) more melodic bands have started to influence my song writing such as early Fates Warning and Vicious Rumors.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We have sent our record to a few labels in Europe with the hopes of getting our album released on vinyl. The ones who took the time to listen to it and respond to us with compliments with regards to the production quality of the album and the bands musicianship, though declined due to the unorthodox nature of our music being outside of their taste and or sound of their label.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We have played probably somewhere around 30-40 gigs (though that is just a guess) since 2013. 

Personally, I prefer house shows or small DIY venues. These are the kinds of shows I started playing first with previous bands and that is where you tend to find the most enthusiastic audiences as well as the most relaxed and energetic performances from the band. 

That being said I do have to say that performing Wings of Metal Festival in 2015 and opening for Angel Witch was a high point for the band. 

Of any of our shows id have to say that our show last spring with Absolut (R.I.P) and Tau Cross was one of the tightest shows the band ever played.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We currently have 3/4ths of our second album rehearsed with our new bassist, so we hope to enter the studio early next year to record the follow up to Terrestrial Mutations with the new line up. 

I am also half way through writing our 3rd album, which will be a concept record (a first for the band).

Our immediate show plans are to play around Ontario and Quebec for this current record, hopefully reaching the east coast of Canada for some shows the following year. 

Our long term/future goals are to do a short European tour and play more festivals and to continue writing and stretching the boundaries of Droid. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Anyone can contact us via e-mail at or via facebook at

Thank you very much.