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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemcadavorousstench. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

neděle 16. července 2023

Recenze/review - CADAVEROUS STENCH - Cadaverous Stench (2023)

CADAVEROUS STENCH - Cadaverous Stench
EP 2023, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

Stalo se to již několikátý den po sobě. Přijdeš ráno na hřbitov, otevřeš rezavou bránu a jsi v šoku. Lebky poházené po zemi, popraskané rakve. Vytrhané náhrobky a kříže, obrácené směrem dolů. Vše uklidíš a zavřeš se přes zlým světem do márnice. Tady, mezi mrtvými je ti dobře. Na město padne tma a stíny se začnou toulat ulicemi. Čekáš na ně, jsi připravený. Nelze je zabít, nelze je zničit. Prokousnou ti hrdlo a staneš se jedním z nich. A ke všemu vám bude hrát nové EP německých maniaků CADAVEROUS STENCH.

Ano, pro tuhle hudbu musíte být podchlazený pod bod mrazu. Teprve potom si jejich syrový, temný a zničující death metal ze staré školy vychutnáte. Jakoby mi někdo podával syrové maso na víku od rakve. Plesnivý zvuk, morbidně krásný obal. Těšíš se na další noc, na další exhumaci hlubokých hrobů. 

Dal jsem si před mnoha lety za úkol podporovat podobné smečky. Musí splňovat několik mých požadavků. Musím jim jejich hudbu věřit, musí se mi líbit zvuk a obal a potom musím cítit ze skladeb opravdovost. Musí mě přikovat na zeď. A u CADAVEROUS STENCH mám pocit, že poslouchám staré poctivé hrobníky, kteří nejen, že rozumí svému řemeslu, ale zároveň hrají od srdce. Je pro mě velmi příjemné se vrátit po časové ose zpět do devadesátých let minulého století. Tenkrát se formoval i můj hudební vkus. Sedával jsem u přehrávače a klaněl se smečkám jako MASSACRE, OBITUARY, PESTILENCE, ASPHYX, ENTOMBED a spoustě dalších. Tihle maniaci to měli, předpokládám, hodně podobné. Kapele se povedlo přenést ducha starých časů do současnosti. A udělali to s elegancí zkušených mistrů v oboru. Je to masakr, u kterého praskají prašivé kosti, pukají lebky a na hřbitově není místo, kde byste se mohli před touhle smrští ukrýt. Kývám se do rytmu, podupávám nohou, rozpustil jsem si své šedivé vlasy a hledám, kde jsou ty nejkrásnější zombie. Přiznám se bez mučení, že se mi EP "Cadaverous Stench" líbí po všech stránkách. Má v sobě drive, sílu, pradávnou energii, kterou můžete posbírat pouze hluboko pod zemí. Hrobku s názvem CADAVEROUS STENCH označte prosím známkou kvality. Doporučuji ji já, všichni nemrtví i démoni temnoty. Až se jednou rozpadnete v prach, tak určitě má slova potvrdíte. Stalo se to již několikátý den po sobě. Přijdeš ráno na hřbitov, otevřeš rezavou bránu a jsi v šoku. Lebky poházené po zemi, popraskané rakve. Vytrhané náhrobky a kříže, obrácené směrem dolů. Teď už vím proč! Morbidně prašivý death metal staré školy, u kterého vám odpadne všechno maso z těla! 

Asphyx says:

It happened for several days in a row. You get to the cemetery in the morning, open the rusty gate and you're shocked. Skulls strewn on the ground, cracked coffins. Tombstones and crosses ripped out, turned upside down. You clean it all up and shut yourself away in the morgue. Here, among the dead, you're comfortable. Darkness falls over the city and shadows begin to wander the streets. You wait for them, you're ready. You can't kill them, you can't destroy them. They will bite your throat and you will become one of them. And to top it all off, the new EP from German maniacs CADAVEROUS STENCH will be playing.

Yes, you have to be hypothermic for this music. Only then will you enjoy their raw, dark and devastating old school death metal. It's like someone handed me raw meat on a coffin lid. Moldy sound, morbidly beautiful cover art. You look forward to another night, another exhumation of deep graves.

I made it my mission many years ago to support similar packs. They must meet several of my requirements. I have to believe in their music, I have to like the sound and the cover art, and then I have to feel the songs are genuine. They have to drive me up the wall. And with CADAVEROUS STENCH, I feel like I'm listening to honest old gravediggers who not only understand their craft, but also play from the heart. It's very nice for me to go back in time to the 1990s. My musical tastes were formed then too. I used to sit in front of the record player and bow down to packs like MASSACRE, OBITUARY, PESTILENCE, ASPHYX, ENTOMBED and many more. These maniacs were, I suppose, very similar. The band managed to bring the spirit of the old days to the present. And they did it with the elegance of experienced masters in the field. It's a massacre that cracks mangy bones, cracks skulls, and there's no place in the cemetery where you can hide from the carnage. I sway to the rhythm, tapping my foot, letting my grey hair down and looking for where the most beautiful zombies are. I will admit without torture that I like the "Cadaverous Stench" EP in every way. It has a drive, a power, an ancient energy that you can only muster deep underground. Please mark the tomb called CADAVEROUS STENCH with a quality mark. I recommend it to myself, all undead and demons of darkness. Once you crumble into dust, you will surely confirm my words. It's happened several days in a row. You come to the cemetery in the morning, open the rusty gate and you're shocked. Skulls strewn on the ground, cracked coffins. Tombstones and crosses ripped out, turned upside down. Now I know why! Morbidly dusty old school death metal that makes all the flesh fall off your body!

01. Cadaverous Stench 
02. Sadistic Possesion 
03. Sickness Unleashed 
04. On A Night Path

A few questions - interview with death metal from Germany - CADAVEROUS STENCH.

A few questions - interview with death metal from Germany - CADAVEROUS STENCH.

Answered Ed and Andy, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Cadaverous Stench was founded during the Christmas holidays of 2022 and at first this was not supposed to be a real and serious project. We are playing old-school death metal.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Our self-titled EP "Cadaverous Stench" was recorded in our little studio which we built. We can offer recording/mixing for other bands, if you like our sound just drop us a message ( ) (Vocal, Guitar) was responsible for every step - recording, mixing, mastering and uploading to streaming.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

We are still working on printing the first batch of CDs. We are planning to release 300 copies and will see how it goes from there. But you can already buy/listen to our EP on all popular platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Bandcamp, YouTube).

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Ed (Vocal, Guitar) wrote all the lyrics. The lyrics mainly focused on a story of a serial killer - on his perverted mind and heinous crimes. We are planning to expand this topic in our full-length album which we are working on at the moment. Album will walk the listener through the whole life of this man, describing his birth, childhood and hunt for human prey.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

We want to say a big thank you to Ungodly Graphics ( for designing our logo and layout for the upcoming CD version. Album cover was made by us. We are active on Instagram ( and Facebook ( mainly, also interacting with our fans in Bandcamp. If you have anything to say - our DMs are open for you!

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We are open for any offer from interested labels, we don't have any at the moment.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We mostly listen to old bands which have stood the test of time. Slayer, Death, Morbid Angel, Entombed, Dismember and Suffocation - these bands we all love and listen to all the time.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Not yet, we want to wait for our CD release first.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

As a Cadaverous Stench we are yet to play gigs because the band is quite new. But every band member has a lot of stage experience with previous bands/projects. As of now our drummer decided that love and his girl are more important than the band and Death Metal. We wish him all the best. We are searching for a new drummer, so if you want to play Old-School Death Metal and you are in the Berlin area drop us a message ( ).

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Our main goal is to record and release a full-length album. We are working really hard to bring even more aggression and brutality to Death Metal fans!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Thanx for the interview.

Thank you for your interest in our band!

Cheers from Berlin
Ed, Andy
