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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#mayhemic. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 19. srpna 2024

A few questions - interview with black thrash metal band from Chile - MAYHEMIC.

A few questions - interview with black thrash metal band from Chile - MAYHEMIC.

Answered Noctumbra (Guitars) and Doom (Guitars / Vocals), thank you!

Recenze/review - MAYHEMIC - Toba (2024):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Noctumbra: Mayhemic has been playing fucking fast and beastly blackened thrash metal since 2018 and it will continue to be that way until all the fucking heads of all the fucking and hateful bangers around the world roll in violence !!!!!!!

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Doom: Sebastian from the bands Nuclear, Bitterdusk and Hellman do the full job in Audiocustom studio. He did a terrific work.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Doom: 1000 copies on cd and vinyl, but there will be no limitation, if it is sold out, the label will press more, actually i think that they are going to repress soon.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Noctumbra: I write the lyrics for the band. I write about topics related to death, extinction and catastrophic historical events. Cursed lyrics for cursed music !!!!!

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Doom: LDG made the first logo and Bastián Velasquez modified it recently. I take care of the flyers and stuffs from the band, and yes, we think that it is really important.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Doom: Sepulchral Voice Records from Germany it’s our label, and they do their job perfectly, we are more than satisfied with our deal with them.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Noctumbra: Early Kreator, Sodom, Necronomicon, Sepultura, Chakal, Vulcano and others...

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Doom: We had played 37 shows, both formats are cool i think. Some of my favourites performances where in the Bolivian tour, both of our release shows where cool too.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Noctumbra: For now we will continue promoting our album “Toba”. We are also planning a European tour that could become a reality in mid-2025. After that, we will continue creating aggressive and dizzying riffs of death !!!!!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Doom: You can contact us via email :

On instagram as mayhemic.thrash and Facebook as Mayhemic

Thanx for the interview.

Recenze/review - MAYHEMIC - Toba (2024):

čtvrtek 15. srpna 2024

Recenze/review - MAYHEMIC - Toba (2024)

CD 2024, Sepulchral Voice Records

for english please scroll down

Usmála se na mě a řekla mi, abych se napil. Nešlo odmítnout. Musela být kdysi moc hezká. Teď jí z obličeje odpadávalo maso a z pusy jí lezli smradlaví červi. Přesto na ní bylo něco moc přitažlivého. Napil jsem se zkažené krve a odložil sklenici na víko od rakve. Už jsme tu spolu dlouhou dobu. Pohřbeni zaživa posloucháme jenom hudbu, která se nám líbí, která nám koluje v žilách. Kombinace blacku a thrash metalu mi dělala vždy velmi dobře na mé prokleté duši.

MAYHEMIC pocházejí z Chile, odkud mimochodem poslední dobou slýchávám velké množství dobrých kapel. Datum založení - 2018 a když se podíváte, v jakých dalších smečkách pánové hrají, zjistíte, že je chilská scéna velmi provázaná. Nicméně, jedná se o dlouhohrající debut, který mě ihned přikoval na zeď. 

Chilané vás vezmou po časové ose zpět, do časů kdy pódiím vládly kapely jako KREATOR, SODOM, POSSESSED, NIFELHEIM, DESASTER, PROTECTOR, MERCILESS, SEPULTURA, NECRODEATH. Zde by moje definice vlastně mohla skončit. Jenže to by museli být pánové jenom dnes tolik častou kopií věcí minulých. Určitým pohledem tomu tak je, jenže dnes se tomu nevyhnete. Mě zaujala tahle deska hlavně tím, že je zahraná od srdce, uvěřitelně. MAYHEMIC se s tím moc nepářou, ale nezapomínají ani na chladné a podmanivé melodie. I já, starý prašivý pes musím uznat, že se skladby velmi dobře poslouchají, že má album parádní řezající zvuk (Sebastián Puente), že je obal opravdovým a zajímavým uměleckým dílem. Zkrátka a dobře, zafungoval u mě zase jednou klasický přístup. Sedl jsem si v pokoji, postupně přidával hlasitost, abych nakonec dostal velkou chuť na porcování syrového masa. Byl jsem stržen energií, nemohl jsem zůstat v klidu. "Toba" je albem, které se mi ihned dostalo do krve. Je divoké, devastující, nezapomíná se ani na syrové melodie. MAYHEMIC jsou jako smečka rozzuřených psů, kteří vás roztrhají na kusy. Tuhle muziku musíte mít v sobě, ve svých srdcích, v podvědomí. Musíte do ní dát všechno. Teprve potom vyniknou všechny její odstíny. Pánové všechno tohle umí a přidávají ještě něco navíc. Kus sebe samých. Mrzí mě snad jenom jediné. Rád bych je viděl na koncertě, dal nějaké to pivo a skočil si z pódia. Hergot, tohle album fakt řeže jako čerstvě nabroušený skalpel. Napil jsem se zkažené krve a odložil sklenici na víko od rakve. Už jsme tu spolu dlouhou dobu. Pohřbeni zaživa posloucháme jenom hudbu, která se nám líbí, která nám koluje v žilách. Black thrash metalová bouře ze starých prašivých márnic! Divoká jízda přímo do pekla!

Asphyx says:

She smiled at me and told me to take a drink. I couldn't refuse. She must have been very pretty once. Now the flesh was falling off her face and stink worms were crawling out of her mouth. Still, there was something very attractive about her. I took a sip of the tainted blood and set the glass down on the coffin lid. We've been together a long time. Buried alive, we only listen to the music we like, the music that runs through our veins. The combination of black and thrash metal has always done my damn soul a world of good.

MAYHEMIC are from Chile, where I've been hearing a lot of good bands from lately by the way. The date of foundation - 2018 and if you look at what other packs the gentlemen play in, you will find that the Chilean scene is very cohesive. However, this is a long-playing debut that immediately had me pinned to the wall. 

Chileans will take you back in time, to the days when bands like KREATOR, SODOM, POSSESSED, NIFELHEIM, DESASTER, PROTECTOR, MERCILESS, SEPULTURA, NECRODEATH ruled the stages. Only it would have to be the gentlemen just a copy of things past so common today. In some ways they are, it's just that you can't avoid it today. What attracted me to this record is that it is played from the heart, believably. MAYHEMIC don't mess with it too much, but they don't forget the cool and captivating melodies either. Even I, an old mangy dog, have to admit that the songs are very easy to listen to, that the album has a great cutting sound (Sebastián Puente), that the cover is a real and interesting work of art. In short, the classical approach worked for me once again. I sat down in my room, gradually turning up the volume to finally get a big craving for carving raw meat. I was overwhelmed with energy, I couldn't stay still. "Toba" is the album that immediately got into my blood. It's ferocious, devastating, not forgetting the raw melodies. MAYHEMIC are like a pack of rabid dogs that will tear you apart. You have to have this music in you, in your hearts, in your subconscious. You have to give it your all. Only then will all the shades come out. The gentlemen do all that and then add a little something extra. A piece of themselves. I have one regret. I'd love to see them in concert, have a beer and jump off the stage. Damn, this album really cuts like a freshly sharpened scalpel. I drank the bad blood and put the glass on the lid of the coffin. We've been together a long time. Buried alive, we only listen to the music we like, the music that runs through our veins. Black thrash metal storm from the old dingy morgues! A wild ride straight to hell!

01. Kollarbone Crushed Neanderthal
02. Extinction & Mystery
03. Valley of the Tundra
04. Triumph Portrait
05. Eschatological Symphony
06. Hazardous Prowler
07. Olduvai’s Lullaby
08. Toba

-Doom: Guitars / Vocals
-Noctumbra: Guitars
-Magelis: Bass Guitar
-Leviathan: Drums