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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#malformed. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

čtvrtek 12. října 2023

Recenze/review - MALFORMED - The Gathering of Souls (2023)

MALFORMED - The Gathering of Souls
EP 2023, Extremely Rotten Productions

for english please scroll down

Položil jsem tělo na kamenný stůl. Naše pitevna je stará a byl jsem požádán o exhumaci. Kdysi zabitý člověk, měl jsem zjistit příčinu smrti. Vezmu do rukou skalpel a provedu první řez. Oddělím lebku a dívám se na mozek napadený snětí. Musel před smrtí hrozně trpět, přemýšlím a vše poctivě zapisuji. Otočím se, abych vyměnil kazetu v přehrávači. Zapnu play a z reproduktorů na mě zaútočí masivní, devastující death metal. Když se vrátím k mrtvole, tak tam není. Další okamžiky si pamatuji velmi málo. Jediné, co vím, tak jsem padal pomalu k zemi a měl proříznuté hrdlo.

Hudba finských MALFORMED opravdu patří do starých piteven, do temných chodeb, ve kterých řádí krásná sestřička s krvelačným pohledem. Kapela vznikla v roce 2022 a má na svém kontě jednu demonahrávku a live album. Jako starý pes musím rovnou napsat, že mě jejich muzika přikovala doslova na zeď. Je totiž poctivá, temná, divoká a uvěřitelná. 

Pánové uctívají staré tradiční krvavé kořeny. Stejně jako já mají rádi kapely typu SUFFOCATION, GORGUTS, DEMILICH, CRYPTOPSY. Potkávají se zde brutalita s technikou a takovým tím plesnivým odérem, který mám tolik rád. Jedná se o velmi chutně namíchaný smrtící koktejl, který když ochutnáte, tak se k němu budete stále vracet. Osobně oceňuji zvuk (Juuso Hämäläinen - production, mixing) a líbí se mi i tradiční černobílý motiv obalu (Doris Purola). Tohle je hudba, u které budete mlátit hlavou do zdi. Když jsem si dával "The Gathering of Souls" do uší, často se mi potom zdály děsivé sny. Vybíhal jsem v nich z pitevny rovnou na starý hřbitov, abych potom drtil v márnici prašivé kosti. Finové jsou nekompromisní, maniakální a neznají slitování. Zároveň umí složit velmi temné a chladné melodie. Atmosféra celého EP je velmi návyková. Pitval jsem za svůj život již hodně těl, slyšel jsem velké množství smrtících kapel, ale MALFORMED jsem si ihned oblíbil. Protože jim věřím jejich morbidní práci. Působí na mě jako řezníci, kteří perfektně zvládají svoje řemeslo a zároveň si zachovávají radost ze své práce. V dnešní době je velká spousta mladých kapel, které se snaží hrát postaru, ale jen některé to opravdu umí. Tahle smečka mě přesvědčila, je totiž výborná. A teď už mě prosím nechte, přivezli mi další tělo. Skalpel je nabroušen, hudba připravena. Opět zapínám play a tančím v rytmu "The Gathering of Souls". Přidávají se všichni nemrtví i ty nejkrásnější zombie. Další okamžiky si pamatuji velmi málo. Jediné, co vím, tak jsem padal pomalu k zemi a měl proříznuté hrdlo. Brutální, temný a prašivý death metal ze starých piteven! Masakr oživlých mrtvol!

Asphyx says:

I put the body on the stone table. Our autopsy room is old and I was asked to exhume. A man once killed, I was to find out the cause of death. I take the scalpel and make the first incision. I separate the skull and look at the brain infected by the anthrax. He must have suffered terribly before he died, I think, and write everything down honestly. I turn to change the tape in the player. I put it on play and massive, devastating death metal assaults me from the speakers. When I return to the corpse, it's not there. I remember very few other moments. All I know is that I was falling slowly to the ground with my throat slit.

The music of Finnish MALFORMED really belongs in old morgues, in dark corridors where a beautiful nurse with a bloodthirsty look is raging. Formed in 2022, the band has one demo and a live album to their credit. As an old dog, I have to write straight away that their music has literally nailed me to the wall. It is honest, dark, wild and believable.

Gentlemen worship the old traditional blood roots. Like me, they like bands like SUFFOCATION, GORGUTS, DEMILICH, CRYPTOPSY. Brutality meets technique and that moldy oeuvre I like so much. This is a very tastefully mixed lethal cocktail that once you taste it, you'll keep coming back to it. Personally, I appreciate the sound (Juuso Hämäläinen - production, mixing) and I like the traditional black and white cover motif (Doris Purola). This is music that will have you banging your head against the wall. When I put "The Gathering of Souls" in my ears, I often had scary dreams afterwards. In them, I'd run from the autopsy room straight to the old cemetery, only to later crush mangy bones in the morgue. The Finns are uncompromising, maniacal and have no mercy. At the same time he can compose very dark and cold melodies. The atmosphere of the whole EP is very addictive. I have dissected many bodies in my life, I have heard a large number of deadly bands, but I immediately liked MALFORMED. Because I trust their morbid work. They strike me as butchers who master their craft perfectly while retaining the joy of their work. There are a lot of young bands these days that are trying to play the old fashioned way, but only some of them can really do it. This bunch convinced me, because they're great. And now please leave me alone, they've brought me another body. The scalpel is sharpened, the music is ready. I'm back on and dancing to "The Gathering of Souls". All the undead and the most beautiful zombies are joining in. I remember very few other moments. All I know is that I was falling slowly to the ground with my throat slit. Brutal, dark and dusty death metal from the old slaughterhouses! The massacre of the reanimated corpses!

1. Drowning in Emptiness 
2. The Gathering of Souls 
3. Defiled 
4. Enchantments of Nihilism
5. Mind Refinery

Jani Seppi - drums
Akseli Lindroos - guitars
Pauli Niemi - bass
Eetu Hyvönen - vocals/guitars

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - MALFORMED.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - MALFORMED.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

MALFORMED was founded in early 2022 by guitarist/lead vocalist Eetu Hyvönen and bassist/backing vocalist Pauli Niemi, and our lineup became intact in late 2022 after the inclusion of guitarist Akseli Lindroos and drummer Jani Seppi. However, our first release, Uncontrollable Malformity features Felix Pennanen from Disguised Malignance behind the drumkit since we had not found a full time drummer by then. Our own brand of death metal is forged by various brutal and technical old-school influences combined with our imagination and original sound.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Our upcoming release, "The Gathering of Souls"-EP (OUT OCTOBER 13th on EXTREMELY ROTTEN PRODUCTIONS) was recorded at our rehearsal place in a barren industrial area in Espoo. Juuso Hämäläinen from Azatoth and Disguised Malignance handled all production, except for the vinyl masters.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

The exact quantities of the EP are yet to be announced, but all info will be found on Extremely Rotten Productions' social media.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Eetu and Pauli have so far been in charge of all the lyrics. The lyrics deal with death, the human mind and anti-religious social commentary.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Our logo was created by Juuso Hämäläinen. The upcoming EP's amazing artwork was done by Doris Purola (instagram: @dorisphobic). Social media is of course important nowadays, but while we do keep our socials updated and it's a great way to get in touch with people, we'd still rather concentrate on the music.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We met ERP's head huncho David Mikkelsen at a show we opened for his band Phrenelith back in March. After that, we discussed about the possibility of ERP releasing our EP, and after that we didn't even have any other labels in mind. We have been extremely satisfied, and in eternal gratitude towards David!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We don't necessarily idolise anyone, but our main influences include early Cryptopsy, Gorguts, Suffocation and some Finnish legends like Demilich.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We've played around 10 gigs so far with many more to come, ranging from festival appearances to clubs. A good weekend show at a packed club or bar is always intense and filled with adrenaline, but we're just happy to play wherever.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We have been writing a full-length album and improving at our instruments, and we hope to keep this band going and growing.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Instagram: malformeddm

Thanx for interview.