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Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#CHAPELOFSAMHAIN. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

neděle 28. července 2024

Recenze/review - CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN - Black Onyx Cave (2024)

CD, cassette 2024, Nuclear Winter Records, Helldprod Records

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Napětí by se dalo krájet rezavým nožem. Včera jsem otevřel další z prokletých hrobů. Dnes mě čeká exhumace staré, prašivé rakve. Netuším, kdo by mohl být uložený uvnitř. Víko je pevně přibité a cítím nejen pach rozkládajícího se masa, ale i síru. Jakoby uvnitř ani neležel člověk, ale nějaký pradávný, zlý a krvelačný tvor. Moje domněnky se potvrdí, když se konečně dostanu k tělu. Vyděšená tvář, zkroucené ruce. V nich kazeta portugalských tmářů CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN. Musel být pohřebný zaživa, napadne mě jako první. Zapnu play na přehrávači, který mi dělá společnost již dlouhé roky v márnici a obklopí mě nepropustná tma.

Mám rád starodávné death metalové rituály, s chutí vždy ochutnám zkažené maso. Toulám se temnotou již dlouhé roky a nahlížím do kobek a hrobů, o kterých si myslím, že v nich naleznu pravý, nefalšovaný a ryzí black a death metal. Jeden jsem si pro sebe opět objevil. Má na náhrobku nápis CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN.

Je to velmi hnilobná hudba, je to ozvěna ze starých chrámů, ve kterých pořádali prokleté rituály padlí kněží. Pokaždé, když najdu podobné pohřebiště, pokaždé, když slyším takovou hudbu, tak se ocitnu v jiném světě, za oponou. Na druhé straně, za řekou Styx.  V močálech, ze kterých není návratu. Dívám se zase jednou do tmy a užívám si prašivý zvuk, přemýšlím o motivu na obalu, ale hlavně, vnímám celým svým tělem jednotlivé melodie, nápady, riffy. Vše je staré, plesnivé, nihilistické. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako PROFANATICA, ACHERON, VITAL REMANINS, TEITANBLOOD, MORGOTH, ACHERON, IMPRECATION, tak se vám určitě bude líbit i tento obřad. Je totiž nasáklý špínou, zkaženou krví a negací všeho dobrého. Rád a často jsem za sebou zavíral dveře od márnice, s chutí jsem se k "Black Onyx Cave" vracel. Je velmi dobře napsaná, má v sobě i něco navíc. Takovou tu černou energii, těžkost a syrovost. Vše plyne kupředu jako stoka pod vaším městem. Na pochod se vydal další pohřeb. Postavy v kápích, obličeje bez tváří. O nebožtíkovi se říkalo, že je uhranutý, že je posedlý ďáblem. Jeho tělo ani rakev nejdou spálit. Najde je až po letech, jeden starý archeolog, který se zaobírá starým kovem smrti a líbí se mu, když jsou skladby ušpiněné strachem a nenávistí. Nelze jinak, než vám letošní desku doporučit. Je v ní totiž vše potřebné pro opravdovou exhumaci starých hrobů. Smrt si nakonec vždy najde cestu k vašemu srdci. V případě téhle smečky to platí na sto procent. Také slyšíte šepot nemrtvých? Já ano. Napětí by se dalo krájet rezavým nožem. Včera jsem otevřel další z prokletých hrobů. Dnes mě čeká exhumace staré, prašivé rakve. Hnilobný zápach prokletého, čerstvě exhumovaného hrobu! Black death metal, který smrdí sírou! 

Asphyx says:

The tension could be cut with a rusty knife. Yesterday I opened another of the cursed graves. Today I'm going to exhume an old, dingy coffin. I have no idea who might be buried inside. The lid is nailed tight and I can smell not only the stench of decomposing flesh, but also sulphur. It's as if there's not even a man inside, but some ancient, evil, bloodthirsty creature. My suspicions are confirmed when I finally get to the body. A frightened face, twisted hands. In them, a cassette tape of the Portuguese darkies CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN. He must have been buried alive, my first thought. I turn on the player that has kept me company for years in the morgue and an impenetrable darkness surrounds me.

I love the ancient rituals of death metal, always tasting the rotten flesh with relish. I have been wandering the darkness for many years, peering into dungeons and graves where I think I will find true, unadulterated and pure black and death metal. I've found one for myself again. It has the inscription CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN on the tombstone.

It's very rotten music, an echo of the old temples where the fallen priests held their cursed rituals. Every time I find a burial ground like this, every time I hear this music, I find myself in another world, behind the curtain. On the other side, beyond the River Styx. In a swamp from which there is no return. I look once again into the darkness and enjoy the dusty sound, thinking about the motif on the cover, but most importantly, I feel the individual melodies, ideas, riffs with my whole body. Everything is old, moldy, nihilistic. If you like bands like PROFANATICA, ACHERON, VITAL REMANINS, TEITANBLOOD, MORGOTH, IMPRECATION, then you will definitely like this ritual. It is soaked in filth, corrupted blood and negation of all that is good. I have gladly and often closed the morgue door behind me, returning to "Black Onyx Cave" with gusto. It's very well written, and has a little something extra to it. That kind of black energy, heaviness and rawness. Everything flows forward like a sewer under your town. Another funeral on the march. Characters in hoods, faces without faces. The dead man was said to be bewitched, possessed by the devil. His body and coffin cannot be burned. He finds them only years later, an old archaeologist who deals in the old metal of death and likes it when the tracks are stained with fear and hatred. I can't help but recommend this year's album. For it has everything you need for a true exhumation of old graves. Death will always find its way to your heart in the end. In the case of this pack, that's 100% true. Do you hear the whispers of the undead? I do. You could cut the tension with a rusty knife. I opened another of the cursed graves yesterday. Today I'm going to exhume an old, dingy coffin. The putrid stench of a cursed, freshly exhumed grave! Black death metal that reeks of brimstone!

Chapel Of Samhain's Black Onyx Cave Tracklist:

Side A:
1. Charnel [04:59]
2. Flesh [05:18]
3. Pale [04:14]

Side B:
4. Delirium [05:21]
5. Portal [07:03]
6. Ether [05:31]

BLACK ONYX - artistic concept, veil composer, throat channeler, mineral conductor, and ignominious producer from the plainness infinity.
PHOROS - mass ritual ensemble holistic architect and black hole summoner for all fiery production baptized in volcanic ashes.

A few questions - interview with black death metal band from Portugal - CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN.

A few questions - interview with black death metal band from Portugal - CHAPEL OF SAMHAIN.

Answered Black Onyx, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Greetings, here’s Black Onyx creator of Chapel of Samhain, the band’s birth was in 2023 and obscure death metal is my aim. The line-up is me and Phoros being myself responsable for everything from concept, to composition and also production and Phoros for all instrumentation and also production/mastering.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Black Onyx Cave was recorded in Monolithic Studios being Phoros the main responsable for all sound engineering, production and mastering although always under my guidance. It was a very organic session for all of us which forward the spirit of the album way up high.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Black Onyx Cave was released in all formats, CD (300 units) and Vinyl (250 units) by Nuclear Winter Records and in Tape (50 units) by Helldprod Records.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I write all lyrics and they deal with life and death as an universal and eternal common path. As a portal, you travel from one to another exploring different dimensions of flesh and spirit. In this flux all is endless, all is nothing and nothing is all. From matter to dust and from dust to matter we all reach our higher self as beings. Transmutation is the key!

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo concept is mine and Zuki from Belial NecroArts did the design in an awesome manner. The band only has a bandcamp page: and an email address: Important for a band is the quality of the label’s promotion, 80% of the release outcome comes from that factor. Also being exposed in social media corrupts the spirit within music is felt when it‘s done as an form of art. As I see it, my music is to be kept in the underground and to be consumed with a monolithic burning passion and for that to happen the only way is to sacrifice the mainstream means.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why these labels? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Both Nuclear Winter Records and Helldprod Records are very serious and professional labels, they’ve been incredible in their releases proofing to be loyal to their principles and supportive to the band needs. All our gratitude to them!

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

I like te usual early deah metal bands such as Hellhammer, Possessed also black metal from Bathory to Beherit.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Several labels were contacted but the ones who matter for this matter are Nuclear Winter Records and Helldprod Records.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Chapel of Samhain isn’t playing gigs, maybe in the future, I will see about that.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

I will make a new album in the near future.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

You can contact the band through the bandcamp page: and the email address:

Thanx for the interview.
