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Interview - HAR - Ancient rituals that come alive again with great power. Dark, magical, terrifying black death metal necromancy!

Interview with death black metal band from Israel (Germany) - HAR.

Answered D.A. (guitars), thank you! 

Recenze/review - HAR - Cursed Creation (2024):

Ave HAR! On August 23rd, 2024 you released your first full-length album "Cursed Creation" on Dark Descent Records. As the title suggests, it is a blast of honest black metal, death metal. When you left the studio, what were your feelings? Please introduce the fans a little bit to the new album.

D.A: We felt a great relief finishing with the recording process. This Album was in the making for a couple of years including many obstacles due to the Corona pandemic and the fact that we all lived very far away from each other at that time.

The Album is the ugliest and most brutal output of the band to date. It is a result of the band’s exploration over the years with its sound and approach to extreme metal. Be sure it wont stop here!

You're a band made up of all experienced musicians who play mostly death metal. How did HAR come into being? I'm guessing a good pub and a lot of beer. Who first came up with the idea to play death/black metal?

The band was initially formed by O.S and a mutual friend, Shaul, with the intention to play raw black metal. they then brought along A.M for the drums and finally D.A. as a second guitar. Shaul departed the band in favor of studies abroad which affected the group dynamic and the initial vision of the band heading more into the realms of death metal.

I admit that your novelty got me on my ass. What I really like about you guys is that you are not only orthodox and real, but you don't forget about cold and dark melodies. Who is the author of the music and how do you compose and create new HAR songs?

The process revolves alot around D.A’s guitar riffs and initial song structures while A.M drumming style and artistic input is a big factor in the final structure. Lyrics are usually a group effort.

What really caught my attention on the new album was the very raw and "dusty" sound. Where did you record the album, mix it, who is signed under production?

It was all recorded in our rehearsal space in Berlin. Drums were tracked by a friend and sound engineer Alex Pusch (Obscuredbyevil productions) While all the rest was recorded by us. Mix and master was done by our mate and x-live member Tom Cohen@Forneus studios. We were definitly aiming at having it sound violent yet still intelligable. We are quite happy with the result.

I was also intrigued by the album cover. If I understand correctly, there's a demon on it. The cover is simple, a bit mysterious, but it fits the music perfectly. What is this theme supposed to represent? It's by Tim Grieco. How did you guys get together and why him?

Tim did the cover to our previous release, the ‘Anti-Shechina’ demo tape. We felt it will be the right thing to continue with him and take it up a notch. I initially approached him by email inquiring about artwork and there was good overall artistic dialogue.

The cover is abstract, there isnt any of the usual imagery typical to metal that guided us and Tim. We were seeking to express visually the music in textures. It had to feel violent and raw and I believe Tim’s work is right on. It is very multilayered and can definitley work out the imagination when diving into it.

As a band, your lyrics deal with dark fantasy, mysticism, necromancy, death. What are they about on the new record? What is the main theme and idea behind "Cursed Creation"?

Just as with the visuals the lyrics got away from the usual metal themes, especially from the esoteric and the mystical. Now the theme is just pure violence and chaos as it is expressed in natural cycles of destruction and creation or in the human psych.

I can't help but ask. You play a style of metal that is extreme. You live in Israel. How are black death metal bands perceived by the general public? Do you have any problems with that? Do you get space on TV, in the newspaper? How is life in your country influenced by religion in general?

We actually dont live in Israel. Me and A.M live in Germany for a rew years already while O.S is just moving to U.S.A. In Israel you wont get banned for this kind of music or for anti religious activity like it is in Iran or Irak. more chances you will be marked and ‘cancelled’ in social media if you speak exclusively against Israel and its policies. Israel turned Judaism into a nationality so every cultural aspect dictated by the state and the education system is colored by it. The national holidays, the marriage/divorce system (you cant do it non-religiously in Israel), the food regulations and on and on. It is a type of ethno-theocracy for sure and it really shapes the character of the israelis more and more. Not a pretty sight. Fuck this place.

HAR have only been on the scene for a while. How far do you want to go? Big festivals, long tours? Are you just a project or a regular band that will work in a classical way? After all, each of you have a lot of commitments in other bands.

We want to play as much as we can and as long as it would allow us. We arent in our twenties anymore and the fire is still burning.

Looking back in history, how do you see the differences between now and your beginnings (as musicians)? Everything has changed - technology, sound, recording studios, we have the internet, downloading music. How have these changes affected the way the band operates? Have you had to adapt a lot?

We are not that old! But the availability of decent recording and mixing technology for affordable prices had definitley helped us to be more independent in the recording and mixing process and allowing for greater artistic freedom (not being dependent on a hired studio and with time constrains). But of course this is a double edged sword, so when people dont have any limitations anymore and everything is possible there is a risk of losing creativity and becoming slaves to the technology with the result that music sound too artificial, clean and tight and musicaly just boring. There is no edge to it.

How are you doing with gigs? Do you like to play and play often? And are you more comfortable with big festivals or small clubs? What about promoting the new album, are you planning a tour?

As I said, currently we want to play as much as possible and promote our album. We dont have alot of experience with big stages but definitely looking forward to such opportunity.


How is it actually playing extreme metal in Israel? What were your beginnings like? Did you go to a music school somewhere? What kind of role models did you have? What about the first gig? And the first performance on stage?

In Israel the scene is very small when it comes to the type of metal we like. It is basically a few bands where the members are all friends more or less and play in all of them. Lately it changed as some left the country so it got even smaller. No music school. I studied classical music at a young age but it didnt last long. The rest are all self taught andthe interest in extreme music came from the social circles we use to be part of. Can't remember my first gig, probably some local punk or metal show. We played our first gig in 2014 I believe after our first ep was out.

Lately, I feel that when it comes to extreme styles, it's really alive in Israel. Especially death and black metal bands are great! I've been coming to review new records, doing interviews and I feel that your scene is very strong (I'm a big fan of ARALL, DEATHSIEGE). But that's my perspective as a person who lives outside Israel. What is your opinion? What about concerts, promoters, clubs, extreme metal music shops?

As I said, the number of good metal bands in my opinion only got smaller. On the other hand there are one or two new promoters who try to bring to Israel some more interesting metal acts. Deathsiege is the project of our drummer A.M together with our mate from the band Supremacist that I really recommend. As I said we dont live in Israel anymore and I have to say we dont see ourselves as representatives of this place.


What are HAR planning in the next few months? Do you have anything to say to fans, promoters? Here is the space.

We have a couple of shows here in Germany before the year ends, follow our page for more info. We are planning to write new material as well and we got some initial ideas running already. Cheers for whoever support our music.

Thank you very much for the interview and I wish not only the new album great sales. May your concerts be sold out. I'll be looking forward to one of them. I wish you all the best in your personal lives as well. May the power be with you! HAR FOREVER!

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