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Interview - DECONSEKRATED - A dusty, rotten death metal coffin that's filled to the brim with filth and darkness!

Interview with death metal band from Chile - DECONSEKRATED.

Answered Agorh Skullptor - Guitars & composer, thank you!

Recenze/review - DECONSEKRATED - Ascension in the Altar of Condemned (2024):

Ave UNCONSECRATED! Greetings to Chile. I hope everything will be right with you. I was really looking forward to your new release "Ascension in the Altar of Condemned", I really enjoyed the previous demo and loved coming back to it. How did the new album come about and where did you want to move to?

A.S_ Hello, nice to be here Agorh Skullptor, first of all thank you for the invitation to participate in the new issue of Deadly Storm Zine. Well, the album comes about like most, a few years ago I had already composed the songs that would be part of it, for me I would have liked this to come out much sooner, but external factors always occur that make the processes delay more than one would expect. wait, but even with certain inconveniences we managed to release this work, the line and approach of this album is clearly related to the concept of the band. "Liberation of the being in the face of religious and especially Christian oppression"

I must say that the news literally opened me up. It is dense, solid, dark and at the same time cold like a corpse's hand. That's exactly how I like it! The mix is ​​signed by Mauricio Salgado. Did you record directly with him or did you just mix the album? How did you feel when you went to the studio and how did you manage to get such spectacular material?

A.S_ Thanks for the spectacular haha ​​and great that you liked the album.

Yes, Mauricio was in charge of all the processes of the album, recording, mixing and mastering. It was a slow and leisurely process as I mentioned before, we recorded a large part of the album in the countryside in the forest, setting up a family home and we started recording, it was a different process from the usual but quite satisfactory one. It has its magic to record that way, perhaps for the same reason the album achieves its goal.

I always take recordings as a whole and you underestimated not only the sound but also the cover. Rodrigo Pereira Salvatierra is a great painter. How did you get together and how did the packaging come about? Did you have any requirements or did you choose between already prepared paintings? And how was the cooperation.

A.S_ Generally I always have the ideas in my mind first, the same thing happened with art, I envisioned it and then I put it on a sheet of paper, I drew what I had in mind. Well, but that's not enough, that's when I contacted Rodrigo, I showed him my sketch and he, being a great painter, had no problem capturing the idea, even giving it his particularities, showing his essence and his talent, he really left an incredible job. The painting he made took on a unique strength and mysticism. So no, I did not choose from his paintings, it is a custom painting.

The texts are an integral part of the album. It states that you are facing death. Such classic death metal themes. What are the lyrics of "The Ascension on the Altar of the Damned" about, who is its author? Where did you get your inspiration from?

A.S_ The theme of this work is conceptual to the line and name of the band. Manifestation of religious abhorrence.

The lyrical concept and approach we refer to is the desacralization of humanity, the repudiation of what is religiously sacred, social deconsecration. And from there comes the name Deconsekrated and the concept of Ascension in The Altar of Condemned, since it is a liberation and ascension of those oppressed by the damned and dirty religion.

Well, the person who writes these lines was the one who was in charge of the lyrics with no more inspiration than crude reality and religious shit.

And what about the concerts? What happens to them in Chile? Do fans go to concerts or just sit in front of the Internet? I need a club, beer, girls!

A.S_ Many bands from the underground come to Chile and also those that already have a firm name all over the world, the fans or bangers are very crazy at the concerts, there is a lot of adrenaline live.

But without a doubt this is always accompanied by some very cold beers.

And what happens with the underground scene in your country in general? Do you live in Chile? You are from Temuco, Araucanía, do you meet somewhere to make death metal? If I visited the city, where should I go to the concert? And what about the fans? Do the bands support?

A.S_ I live in Temuco region of Araucanía Chile, most of the band are from this region, except for the bassist who lives in Valdivia, a nearby city. And the truth is that the scene moves a lot, there is a circle where the undergound is generated.

The public supports the scene quite a bit by buying material, attending "tokata" concerts, that's what we call it here, the truth is there is no fixed place to do Death Metal, at least in my city. The events are held in different locations, paying the rent of the premises. But there are some bars where rock and metal plays and you can go for a few beers.

Do you have any dreams with the band? Do you have a good name in the underground world, but want to go to a higher place? I mean, does a tour with a big name, playing a big festival, releasing another album with a well-known label appeal to you? What dreams and vision does DECONSEKRATED have?

A.S_ more than dreams, we have goals to fulfill. Among those is editing a new work that will hopefully come out next year. It's still too early to talk about that but it's a goal we have in mind. For now we're focused on promoting the record by playing as much as possible. I don't mind touring. I can say that it is out of our hands but logically we would like to do it sometime.

What does death metal mean to you? Why did you choose this style? How did you get into this and what kind of musicians were your role models when you started? Do you perceive death metal "only" as music or is it also a lifestyle for you? You can look at this page philosophically.

A.S_ It was when I was a teenager when I got into metal, we would get together with friends and my brother and we would spend the afternoon listening to bands like Sepultura, Slayer, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse etc etc... But over time I got deeper into it. In more obscurantist sounds and acquiring a devotion to Death Metal, bands like Morbid Angel, Immolation, Incantation were fundamental pillars to forge me and delve even further into this raw, sordid and dark world of Death Metal.

Those of us who are in this know that it is not just music... Far from fashion, it is a way of seeing life and also death.

Do you have a band in your area that you would recommend to us? And what are people going to see when they go to clubs in Chile?

A.S_ There are many bands which are very interesting, among them I can name Myst, Cenotafio, Horrifyng, Exanimatvm, Suppression, Uter Tomb. Etc.........

There is a lot of devotion to metal in Chile, therefore you will see bands with courage and eggs well placed.

What can we expect from DECONSEKRATED in the coming months? Aren't you going to release "Ascension in the Altar of Condemned" also on vinyl?

A.S_ As I mentioned, for now we are focused on promoting the material by presenting ourselves at some events, and if we have a vinyl edition fairly planned, we hope that everything goes well and this new edition turns out, there is also something out there on cassette.

Thank you very much for the interview. I'm going to play the new „Ascension in the Altar of Condemned again. It's great! Good luck and I hope we meet up somewhere at the concert and have a beer together!

A.S_ Thank you for considering Deconsekrated in your Zine, I also hope to visit your lands showing our Death Metal, to be able to share some beers and a good conversation.

Only Death Is Real.

Agorh Skullptor - Guitars & composer

Recenze/review - DECONSEKRATED - Ascension in the Altar of Condemned (2024):

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