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Interview - NEW WORLD DEPRESSION - Killer, old school death metal monster!

Interview with death metal band from Germany - NEW WORLD DEPRESSION.

Answered vocalist Hütte, thank you!

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Ave NEW WORLD DEPRESSION! I am listening your newest „Interment of Sins“ again and again and can not get rid of it. I Think the album is really great! What is your opinion about the album now, after some time? Would you like to change something? What feedback do you have from the fans, what anout the reviews? 

Hi Jakub, Cheerz from Germany, this is Hütte. I am the Singer in NWD, and first I want to say thx for the nice words about our new album. As I can speak for our Band, we are still really happy with the result of the album. We received some really awesome reviews till now, also the first reaction of the Fans was incredible, All is fine at the moment.

Who signed the dark cover? How did you choose the theme for the album? Did the author hear your new album for inspiration? Personally, I like the cover incredibly much. 

Tahir83 was the art designer. We found this Design on his Facebook or Instagram account, it was a premade Cover, so he did not hear our music before. We had the Album Title “Interment of sins” before in our minds and we thought it matched perfectly together. We did some few changes, and it was ready 🙂.

How do you compose new songs at NEW WORLD DEPRESSION? What is the process of creating new material? Who is the author of the music? 

Our guitarists Ritche and Julian usually write our Songs or Song-Ideas at home, they record it digitally and send it to us. The vocal lines and lyrics I also work mostly out at my home, after the basic structure is fixed we arrange these Songs in our rehearsal room. In the past we wrote our Songs in the rehearsal room. A couple of years ago we changed this strategy and we think the new method is more productive.

Who is the autor of lyrics for „Interment of Sins“ and what they are about? Where do you get inspiration?

It was me. I take our Artwork for the inspiration of this Song, as mentioned earlier, we had the Album title and Artwork before the Song was written. The demon in the middle, who is supposed to stand as the collector of our sins, towers over the remains of human civilization. Countless souls seek forgiveness and we ask the question, "Is it too late to repent?" I leave the rest to the imagination of the listener!

The sound of "Interment of Sins" was mixed by Jörg Uken. I like this sound seems to be cold, dark and at the same time legible. It looks like Jörg did a great job. Would I wonder how did you create this novelty? Did you all have a saying on the final sound? 

For us, the album sound was a big issue. On the one hand, we wanted to have the iconic OSDM sound, but we also wanted to distinguish ourselves with an independent sound. Finding this in-between was not very easy, but Jörg from soundlodge supported us in the best possible way. He took a lot of time and with his many years of experience we were able to achieve the perfect result for us. So you could say it’s a novelty, but with classic death metal roots. Just as we want it.

You play a typical old school death metal. You have never left this way, you are „orthodox“. Personally, this is one of the reasons why I like your work so much, but have you ever thought about playing something a bit different, to give NEW WORLD DEPRESSION some variety?

Our roots were always Death Metal, but specially in the early years we played more a kind of death´n´roll, mixed with a bit of NY Hadrcore element but over the years we got more and more into the OSDM direction. And I think this is a perfect match for us. We love Bolt thrower, Asphyx and all this kind of legendary 90s stuff, and these influences we mixed in our Songs.

Will the new album "Interment of Sins" also be released on LP? What's your relationship to vinyls? Do you collect them? Do you have a large collection? Some bands today sell more vinyls than CDs. What about you? 

Yes for sure, “Interment of Sins” is available on vinyl, but the first press (200 pcs.) running slowly to sell out. Our Label “Fucking Kill Records” is working on a re-press currently, Lets see how fast we can get them. We also produced a CD Version, some people still want them, but our focus is definitely on vinyl. Additionally we do a limited Tape version for 50 pcs. Our mates from “Santa diabla Records” do that for us. The Tapes are also close to being sold out.

Most of our band members are vinyl collectors, we love to hear music on vinyl, to hold the cover in your hand, read the lyrics while you hear the music, that's great!

I've been wandering the underworld for over thirty years and I go to Germany for music as a matter of course. I think we have similar moods and tastes when it comes to metal. I like your bands a lot and follow your scene very closely. Maybe I'm a bit jealous, we only have a few death metal bands in our country that are worth it. What do you explain that death metal is so successful in your country? How do you perceive your scene, fans, labels? 

It's a curse and a blessing at the same time, there are so many bands especially in Death Metal here in Germany, that makes it not always easy to get gigs, but as a spectator you have the opportunity to go to many concerts. It seems to be that we have currently a good phase for OSDM Music in Germany and we are a part of it, this is cool.

When we look back at the beginning ... What was the first impulse to found the band? And why the death metal? It's not the typical style which can would give you great "glory".

Sascha, our bass player had founded the band back in 2005 with a drummer and a guitarist. I joined 2 months later as a singer. Dirk, our former drummer, was actually not a metal drummer at all and he had to teach himself to play double bass first, haha, that's why we had Death´n´Roll influences from Motörhead etc. at that time. But the idea was always to play hard and brutal stuff and over the years and some changes in the line up we found our sound up to now.

I think to start a band is a dream of many kids, and so we all just started without knowing what we are doing without thinking for a great glory with a band. Just having a good time with your buddies and making some noise and drinking beer.

I'm the oldest in the band with almost fifty, and of course I've played in a few other bands during my youth. My first band started in the early 90s, our band called “Fucking Over” funny and stupid Name 🙂, Nobody really was able to play an instrument, but we dont care, haha.

As well our guitarists Ritchie and Julian and our drummer Sig have had experience in previous bands (Unrest, Danos, Silverstone Garage etc.). Currently Ritchie and Julian are also active as drummers with the Bands No Shelter and Manøver.

What about you and concerts in general? Are you a band that goes for concerts anytime you can or you are picky about where you will play? Do you have a dream, maybe a group you would like to go with for a tour or festival, a city where you would like to perform? 

In the situation that we can choose the concerts, we are unfortunately not, but of course you try to check before what it is for a location, what other bands play there with etc.. Privately we try to go to concerts where we can, but Sascha, Sig and I have children and family and it is not always so easy. Ritchie and Julian are also on the road a lot with their other bands and there is not always much time left.

Once on tour with Obituary, the heroes of my youth, that would be awesome, dreams are allowed.

What about the plans of NEW WORLD DEPRESSION in the upcoming months?

We just played our Release Show in April. The shows went really awesome, a really cool crowd, they bought a lot of merch stuff, which was a good start to present our new album.

Now in May we have our hometown gig, it's our self organized small Festival called “The Storm is coming”. Currently the summer is a bit empty and I think we used the time to write some new Songs. After the summer break we had planned a couple of shows in autumn and winter.

Thank you very much for the interview. I wish you many victories on the death metal battlefields and wish you good sales of new album, gigs full of crazy fans and tons of a good ideas. Aswell success in whatever you do in your personal life.

Jakub, I have to thx for having us here. Take care and stay brutal! Hütte from NEW WORLD DEPRESSION.


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