pondělí 9. října 2017

A few questions – interview with black death metal band from USA - BURNING CHURCHES.

A few questions – interview with black death metal band from USA - BURNING CHURCHES.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.? 

Burning Churches was formed in 2012 when drummer Bill Bumgardner (Indian, Lord Mantis) Joined Guitar/vocalists Greg Gomer (Lord Mantis), and FOH engineer/guitar tech Bill Fraser. Shortly after Gomer’s departure, Keven Kalay joined on lead guitar to become an integral part of the band and writing process. We recorded ‘Defecation of the Tabernacle’ EP and released it in 2016. We started writing for ‘ Pulpit of avarice’ shortly after that release. In Ocober 2016, our drummer Bill committed suicide from a self inflicted shotgun to the head in his apartment in Chicago. We made the decision to keep the band together and finish the Pulpit of Avarice with our friend Garry Naples (Novembers Doom, Kastacyde,) on drums for the sessions. We’ve been rehearsing and writing with Matt Derosier in preparation for a split / single and show dates to be announced soon. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Getting used to the absence of our brother Bill and his motivation and sheer energy was extremely difficult. But we stuck together and began rehearsals with Garry and went straight into the recording studio at the Illinois Institute of Art, where Keven works as a professor, so we were able to get free time and frighten the staff. Jason Schmidt is our studio engineer and does an amazing job tracking, editing, and mixing. Tim Lange was Assistant Engineer helped us get everything setup and torn down. The production was a combination of Bill, Kev and Jason. Mixing done at RAX Trax Chicago by Jason Schmidt. Mastering was Collin Jordan at Boiler room Mastering.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

As of now, Pulpit of Avarice is available as a digital download and physical CD through our website. We hope to put it out on vinyl in the near future.We are also pleased to announce we are now on apple music as well!

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Bill Fraser and Keven Kalay are the main writers of lyrics. We are pretty democratic with material and art. If it serves the music first we do it. We throw out our ego because the music is what matters.The lyrical subject matter ranges from pure blasphemy to sci-fi horror, anarchism, insanity, witchery. Deep rooted symbolism and a blatant rejection and mockery of religious ideology and oppression is something that is natural to all of us. We fully endorse individualism and are in direct opposition to the oppressive nature of collective thinking. Herd mentality so to speak.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

We have a few different logos. The cross logo was created by Ole Nichols, with micron pens, the ashes logo was Ian Hacker from Defecation, and the Pulpit logo was Bjorn Grasses from Germany, who does our t-shirt designs. Keven takes care of the website, Social networks are a medium of transmission for our blasphemous plague, but without them we would still exist.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We are self-released so far, therefore underfunded, but we manage to get what we need accomplished.. We have a few labels we would love to be on and are fans of. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We draw inspiration from a diverse array of dark music including classical and jazz. But a brief list of our metal influences are Morbid Angel, Yob, Death, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Mastodon, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Meshuggah, Gorguts, Dissection, Sepultura, Pantera. We are somewhat varied with our tastes in metal and you can hear the fusion of metal styles more fleshed out on the current Ep. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We are currently unsigned but would not rule out a record deal. We submitted Defecation to a few labels, and we plan to with this EP as well. We feel no matter how big or small they should be fans first and have a love for the music. The business side of things is easier if there is passion among the label, and the bands who are signed to it.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We’ve played many shows in or around Chicago. We are already working on the logistics of shows all around our neighboring area, as well as, touring opportunities in neighboring states. We have had some memorable shows but play every night like its our last. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We plan on going deeper and heavier into the dark, strange emotive sorcery of music and developing further, the chaos and darkness that fuel this band becoming ever maniacal and menacing! We never put boundaries on our creation. We will show you dark aspects of ourselves and you may discover something in yourself, along the way. We have had setbacks that could conquer lesser bands. You'll see our strength when you see us live! We feel this is the strongest incarnation of this unholy beast.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Just follow our facebook page, our instagram,or you can reach us by email if you choose to. We cant wait to see all of our fans again and perform for everyone! We appreciate your time and thanks you for the interview! Have a good day!

Thank you for interview.